New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Jenni Benni
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Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Jenni Benni »

New Years Scrapbook intentions.......I always say this is going to be the year I get caught up. Well not this year. I am going back to school (getting my RN) and I don't want to much pressure. But here are some realistic intentions.

1. Get all of my kits completed (I got a little behind with the holidays and my DMIL gave me about 7 more)
2. Try to Scrap 2 LO's per week
3. Keep my card stash stocked by making one set of cards each week
4. To try and use most of the things I already have (this is will be hard)

Jenni Benni
Mom to 3 sweet little boys.
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

1. learn digi
2. figure out and use BIA
3. use the melting pot i got for christmas
4. continue to enjoy what I'm doing, with little or no stress, and NO strict limits on what I need to accomplish
5. figure out how to use my SLR to a greater advantage

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by bethrich »

My scrap and non-scrap resolutions:

1. Take a photo every day and put them into one double LO per month, in digi.
2. Participate in the 4-card swap sometimes. No other swaps, no, no, no!
3. Participate in BOM if it resumes.
4. Participate in PSL, but at a lower level. No scorekeeping. :tomato:
5. Chat with my PAO friends at least twice a week.
6. Scrap and/or make cards twice a week.
7. Do genealogical research/writing at least two evenings a week and ignore the lure of PAO. :lol:
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Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Monica »

My intentions for 2009...

1. Learn to use the Photoshop Elements 7... should be on its way...
2. Actually scrap instead of just collect more stuff all the time.
3. Cut back on impulse buying, and only visit lss every other week.
4. Participate in some swaps and have fun with PAO!

No. 28 in the Order of PAO
Chief Bearer of the Torch and Admin

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by carriemck »

This is fun to read! I am enjoying seeing what you all want to accomplish. I loved the mathematics of how any pages you should be able to do. I have at least 8 feet of paper, probably more like 12 feet. So if that is 144 inches at 50 LOs an inch, oh my goodness I have a lot to do!!!

I figured out my own little incentive program. For every day I do not buy something, I'm putting $1 in my "bank". Every day I buy something, I take $5 out plus the amount I spent. Whatever I have in the bank at the end of the year I plan to use to buy myself something really cool, maybe a new printer or go to a scrap retreat or something. I need positive reinforcement, even if it is just "on paper" :-)

I love the idea of doing a couple of LOs and a project each week. I am going to try to do that as well.

I am also trying to update my blog at least once a week, working on finding my own personal voice. I started the darn thing in 2005 and have only written on it a handful of times :tomato: I already did my 2009 intentions, yay!

Thanks for playing here everyone!!!

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by InkPattie »

The resolutions everyone is coming up with are great. I suggest that you add them to your signature, so they smack you in the face every time you post a message. :-o

I have gotten up from the computer several times since I put mine in my signature, because it's a nice reminder that I have other things to do besides hang out chatting with my buddies. :lol:

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by fuzzylover »

carriemck wrote:Anyone making any New Year's Scrap Resolutions this year? Actually, I prefer to call them "New Year's Intentions". I tend to do better with that :-)

Mine is:

I intend to not buy any new supplies (excluding adhesive) until I have used up at least half of the stash in my basement.
Seriously folks, I could open a Milwaukee branch of CSHQ and a small Michael's as well with the stuff I have here. That is one of the reasons I quit CS; I have SOOOO much stuff. So I thought I would set this intention, which will force me to be creative with what I have and also save me some $$, which frankly, I really need to do.

Anyone else have any to share? We could actually keep each other "on the straight & narrow" by sharing, LOL!
I have to ask - it's January 5 - how long did that last?????? - LOL

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by fuzzylover »

Paula wrote:My resolution is to go through all of my albums, and make sure the journaling is finished, and that they are in order by date. I always use the 3 D ring books, so re-sorting will not be so difficult. But I do know that there are pages that have the journaling tag in place, but no journaling :tomato: I guess I could say I used disapearing ink? :oops:

Hey - you can't use that excuse - I've used and nobody believes me anyway :D

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by fuzzylover »

My resolutions would be to learn a new technique at least every month and then USE IT!!

Also, I said I was going to try my hand at digi. Jessica Sprauge classes were recommended as being very good. So, with the new year, this may very well be the time to start.

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by southernpeach35 »

My answer was going to be NOT to make any resolutions, this year, however...

I do plan to lose 30 pounds by 12/31/09
I plan to buy less and use more of my scrap stash
Other than that, to just simplify my life, in general. 2008 was an extrememly stressful year and I have the wrinkles and the gray hair to prove it!

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by ChrisR »

1. Try and use my paper stash, buy way less paper in anticipation of doing more digilayouts in the future
2. Finish volume 1 of each of the boys' baby books
3. Learn more digi techniques/CS3
Ruth Ann

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Ruth Ann »

I try really hard not to make resolutions because they are too difficult to keep.

So my goals for this year are to:

Find a place for everything and everything in its place in my studio.
Keep my table cleared off so I actually can scrap
Get and stay up-to-date on the grandkids portrait albums
Keep up with my Project 365 - which I have now determined will be done totally on my blog!
Work on pages for MY scrapbook.
Complete some of the projects stashed in my project bin.
Lose weight.
Ruth Ann

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by InkPattie »

What was that last one, Ruth Ann? I couldn't quite hear you...

hee hee hee

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Maree »

To start scrapping again. Very little done since since summer camp except for monthly lessons :roll:
Finish the other half dozen of Tim's tags
Share more here and there
Ruth Ann

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Ruth Ann »

InkPattie wrote:What was that last one, Ruth Ann? I couldn't quite hear you...

hee hee hee
Just something I'm not quite sure I'll be able to pull off!

Ruth Ann
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