Covid ++++

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Covid ++++

Post by pat-czap »

Greg got congested, then I did. Greg got tested, then I did. Several days later we got our results. There has been Covid at his work, but he stays in his office all masked up for 2 years now. No one can enter without knocking and wearing a mask, for 2 years now. I go no where unmasked, for 2 years now. Any way, we test +++.
I feel like I've had a bad head cold. It's been a week for me, and over a week for Greg. He is doing ok, and so am I. I'm still a bit congested, but better than it was. Enough of that. Carry on.
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by Laurie »

I’m so sorry Pat, but glad you are doing okay.
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by jfugina »

Glad to hear that you're doing OK, but sorry you're having to deal with it at all, especially having been so very careful for so long. It's exhausting, I know. Even with the whole house vaccinated and almost all of us boosted, we're still worried that Rob and I, being overweight and probably not considered super healthy, might have a rough go of it if we get it. And for Jake, who is the most likely to contract it at public school, the worst thing would be the amount of school he'd have to miss if he had to quarantine for a week. Our teachers like to claim that "all of the make-up work is online", so you go online and don't see anything posted and figure you're OK, until you have an F at midterm because you didn't do the work from the week you were sick (ask me how I know that. :roll: ). Jake was properly sick in the fall, but was tested for everything under the sun and was negative for all of it. So the boy must have truly just had a cold.

Anyway... I feel like every day in our house is a waiting game. It's not a matter of if... it's a matter of when, and just how much havoc it will wreak when it gets here. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by pamcook »

I’m so sorry. It’s especially scary with his medical history.

My son Chris tested positive today. Kenan only had a fever the first day. So very thankful this variant isn’t as brutal as what Joel and I suffered. Still nothing to take lightly by any means.

I hope you both recover quickly.
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by EDelValle »

My daughter and her husband tested positive
a week and a half ago, he has 2 home aides that
work with other patients and they both tested
positive and a co-worker of my daughter also
had tested positive but had gone to work sick
before she got her test results, which is nuts because
they are set up to work from home.
Luckily they were both vaccinated and boosted so
it was mostly symptoms of a bad cold, which she
treated symptomatically.
I worked with a container of clorox wipes on my desk
when I was working in the office. Every morning the first thing I
did was wipe down everything I knew I would be touching
during the day, most of the staff was working from home but
I didn't want to take a chance of anyone being in the space when
I wasn't around. I worked in a medical building and I wouldn't
touch anything in the public areas with my bare hands. While
my husband was in rehab for 5 months I kept a container of
wipes in his room and every day I wiped down everything that
anyone else may have touched. Luckily he was discharged before this
latest variant started traveling from person to person so rapidly.
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by katymjo »

What rotten luck, Pat! I hope you and Greg continue to feel a bit better every day.
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by pat-czap »

To all who have recently tested positive, I wish a speedy uneventful recovery.

Thank you for the kind words for Greg and myself. Each day is better.
Pat from NW OHIO
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by jmp1022 »

get better soon
Jill P
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by Debbie AZ »

My daughter is home sick. She went to go get tested and was a 100.00 for the rapid test so she opted for the 48 hour results and hasn’t received them yet. She’s already had it once. I FaceTimed her and she’s all stuffed up and like a bad cold.

I %$%%^&^%$ hate this crap!!!
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by pat-czap »

Debbie AZ wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 3:50 pm My daughter is home sick. She went to go get tested and was a 100.00 for the rapid test so she opted for the 48 hour results and hasn’t received them yet. She’s already had it once. I FaceTimed her and she’s all stuffed up and like a bad cold.

I %$%%^&^%$ hate this crap!!!
Oh my, where to start. $100 for a rapid test? Hope she gets quick results. RiteAid quoted 2-7 days for me, it took 3 1/2. Best wishes for speedy recovery.
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by Monica »

Sending you healing hugs, Pat! And to everyone else! I've been lucky thus far, taking vitamins, using the same methods I employ to reduce allergies and avoid bronchitis every year, so hopefully that, masking, and pretty much avoiding any live interaction at work when possible will help. I even broke down over the weekend and did an online order from Target that I picked up in the parking lot.
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by gwendols »

Ugh!!! I hope you are both feeling better Pat!
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by pat-czap »

Feeling better, but the congestion/sinus issue is lingering. Went to doc today to have a quick check of lungs and they sound good. Greg is working from home and he is doing good. Thank you everyone. I hope all those dealing with Covid are doing okay.
Son Daniel who lives with us, went to get tested today. He has no symptoms, and I hope it stays that way for him. Dan had mild Covid November 2020. He is double vaxxed. Have asked him to get booster and flu shot, but...nothing. He has gotten flu shot in the past, but this year he is contrary.🤔
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by Monica »

Well, add my household to the ranks. Hubby's coworker tested positive so we both got a rapid test this afternoon. Advantage of working for a school district is a rapid test site across the building from my office. His was positive, mine negative, so he's quarantined to one part of the house and told to let me know if he needs food or something. Meanwhile I still get to go to work tomorrow and Friday. :roll: Oh, and I've used the can of Lysol and pulled out the Clorox wipes I bought in early 2020. He's actually a bit annoyed about having to stay home for 5 days before he can go back, because he's asymptomatic thus far. I have a nasal drip and slight sore throat, but that's my usual sinus issues from temperature extremes this time of year.
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Re: Covid ++++

Post by pat-czap »

Yikes Monica, stay safe. Hope your hubby doesn't progress to symptoms.

Nasal drip / sore throat are year round for me, thanks to too cold AC in summer.
Pat from NW OHIO
Midwest, USA
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