Bullet Journals - AKA: BUJO

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Re: Bullet Journals - AKA: BUJO

Post by paddlegal »

ChristyB wrote:I do a modified one every year.

Maya is huge into this. She carries it around with her everywhere and always is working in it or writing or just flipping through. People always stop and peek over her shoulder at it. She swears it is what keeps her on track.

Thank you everyone for your great comments.

Christy I am so impressed when I see younger people using planners with such success rather than the phone.

I have to agree with Barbara and Debbie that it is a lot of work but I am scheduling the time to do it IN my BUJO! This might actually work for me! One thing I am really enjoying the most is exploring the calligraphy side of it. I’ve always been interested in hand written words so this has really gotten my attention. I now have quite a collection of brush markers and pens. :roll:
FARLEY in Sacramento
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Re: Bullet Journals - AKA: BUJO

Post by pamcook »

Back in the 80’s, our hospital “leadership” mandated Stephen Covey classes for all us middle managers. While it annoyed me at the time, I did learn valuable skills including how to use a planner effectively. It still freaks people out when I say I throw away old pages. Unlike Farley’s amazing creations, my pages are basic (but colorful) and so I don’t feel the need to find a place to store them away (a constant struggle in my little house is finding storage).
A22D03A1-8A32-4AFB-93DA-2D29BAED4037.jpeg (60.93 KiB) Viewed 149 times
All that to say, I do use my planner!
Pam Cook #48
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Re: Bullet Journals - AKA: BUJO

Post by paddlegal »

Pam cool planner. Interesting you were all required to do special planner training.

Well typical of me, I’m now running two BUJOs, LOL. I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the Leuchturm 1917 Dot Journal. Blank but numbered pages in a stitched book unlike the CANVO spiral bound. The pages are thin but amazingly resistant to ink bleed through. So I will continue to play with the CP CANVO along with my Leuchturm journal in tandem. Crazy I know but I’m in that experimental phase so I can try different styles. Ok, it’s just an excuse...I’m a sucker for notebooks but now I have a specific use for them.

Anyway here is my opening page plus the 2019 Future Log in the Leuchturm journal. As I filled in the Future Log I realize I may need to give one more space next time. I gave it a coffee theme since coffee is my theme throughout the year, LOL.
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FARLEY in Sacramento
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Re: Bullet Journals - AKA: BUJO

Post by Keitha »

Farley, your BuJo pages are great. I'm impressed with how much you've already recorded for 2019; my calendar is mostly empty beyond the beginning of February. Of course I expect to be back to work sometime in March, so that will curtail the fun stuff somewhat.
Pam, I wish someone had mandated planner training for me back in the day. Although familiar with Steven Covey I was a Filofax girl through and through; in fact I resisted the first electronic planners - PDA for Personal Digital Assistant - because you couldn't personalize them. I always liked to add colour and various other bits to my Filofax. Some years ago I purged a bunch of old Filofax calendars and inserts, although I sort of regret doing so as they conveyed a good look at what my life was like at the time. Not unlike the current craze for memory planners. If I thought I'd keep up with a Bullet Journal I'd give it a whirl.
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