No Motivation

Something else on your mind? Keep it clean, keep it nice

Re: No Motivation

Post by lbeier »

Thanks for all the thoughts on this one. I think my main issue is that I need to realize I am hosting this crop and am not going to get anything done. It is in my very very small town of 200 people. We have a small, one room library, in the community building. The building has a kitchen, large reception type hall and small meeting room. It's in a pole barn type building. Becuase of the smallness of the town there is always this threat the library will be shut down, my monthly crop brings in a lot of business and a big case for not closing. PLUS the library is my baby! When I was in high school my mom was on the Town Council and asked me to help her clean out the old library that was in the town hall because they needed it for an office. They had just built the community building and I was too sort through the books - find anything that was still usable, box it up and it was going on a shelf in the community building meeting room. The Senior Citizens ate lunch there so they were going to use it as for a book exchange type thing. Next thing you know - I have a job and a mini library. In my sophmore year of college I decided I wanted to tranfer to the local extension closer to home. When the neighboring library system found this out, they asked if I would work for them. They were in the process of setting up branch libraries in my town and another neighboring town, spearheaded by how popular my little library had become! So, I went to work with them for over 7 years. I worked 20 hours in my town and 20 hours at the main branch.

So, that is my motivation! It's my library. The girls that attend my crop are from all over - not just my hometown. Actually, there are only 4 girls that come from my hometown! They all check out books, videos, magazines, etc. those from out of town get them on a 4 week check out period (except for videos). Also, we try to have a kiddie type program during the crop. So, this time we had a kids Chrismtas card program (sent cards to people in need from my card angel list), we had a SU card making, a cookie exchange and my crop. So 4 very well attended programs all in one day.

The main problem for me is that it is my one day to crop. I need to just get over that and take care of my croppers. There is only 1 restuarant in town - and the next closest is over half hour away.

I think I forgot to mention that I only pay $40 for this room - which is a donation to the library. I use the small meeting room if I have 10 or less people and the large meeting room which I have easily fit 50 croppers in each with their own table. It's really a bargain. And the other benefit is that I have space in a closet there so I leave all my sizzix stuff there - over 14 alphas, tons of other dies, plus other tools and such I don't use during the month or can do without.

I think next month, I'm going to really plan ahead and just bring one project and a couple of pages to do. Maybe I'll feel better if I am not lugging in a trunkload of supplies that I don't get to touch!

These are possible customers that I would really like to introduce to Club Scrap through FFC - so I want to keep them happy in hopes that they can in turn make me a little happier :) Also, need to talk to Kurt to negotiate an actual "crop day" for me now and then!

Re: No Motivation

Post by Holly »

Sounds like a plan Lori--a good plan. Good luck! :angel:
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Re: No Motivation

Post by pbp908 »

We didn't reallize that you had a vested interest in the library, so to speak.

I think I'd still ask everyone to bring their own lunch - or do a pot luck for dinner. I really don't think they'd mind and it would allow you a little time to participate either as a scrapper or in doing demos.

Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

Re: No Motivation

Post by lbeier »

Next month, I'm going to go into this with a different attitude. I think December is always a crazy one - and I alwasy think no one will show becuase of the holidays and instead I had 15 total.

When I send out my invite next month I'll say - I'm bringing my own lunch, so everyone is on their own. I wonder what would happen?

Re: No Motivation

Post by Holly »

Lori-- don't worry-- it will work itself out, and you will be able to relax a bit more. Bring down that stress level.

Since this is a base for selling CS later, why not work up a short demo on ALSBing, just to get them prepared. You could provide the paper from your stash, enough for each to have 2 finished LO pages. And it wouldn't matter as to having the same colors , just the same LO, per your instructions. Might give them a taste for it, once they see how easy it it to use. And how any colors work to produce nice LOs. And how individual they all can be even though you all start with the same cuts. Just a thought.

Re: No Motivation

Post by n8tvtexan »

MAybe if you preplan pages & bring just the supplies for those pages, then you would get more done. I like Holly's idea of ALSB. If you dont want to supply them with the items to let them ALSB, yu could still do it yourself. Then they would see how much you completed with your goodies. You can tell them to make things less hectic for you, the next one is BYOF, Bring Your Own Food. :D
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