feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

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Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by ChristyB »

southernpeach35 wrote:Nope........no guilt. I too still take a gander at the new CS site, at least once a day. I don't participate there simply because I don't care for the format. I am not going to go into all the reasons I dropped my membership, it doesn't matter. I hope that after the holidays, I can once again afford the kits. I just happen to prefer this format for a forum. I've never participated in other forums for more than a week because of all the nastiness from those folks. I am very happy here and have never met a nicer, friendlier, more supportive group of people than you guys. :happy112:

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by Cyndy »

This was a difficult question for me personally. Never had I participated in anything like this before CS and I'll admit the changes seemed daunting. But I told myself if I could learn one I can learn another. Add to that the totally awesome retreat that was a first for me and it did feel like something of a separation from a high energy and positive organization.

However, I very much missed the chatter of y'all. You are the ones who opened up the world of creating with stamps and paper for me. Bernie Berlin, for Pete's sake! You are the ones who are open - sharing life's trials and life's victories. You cheer us on and you share solid information when it helps. You share laughter and tears.
And hockey teams. :lol:

So I think it's all okay. I will gradually learn more about the new CS place and can also "come home" to the wonderfully diverse chatter here.
Thanks, Luanne, for taking the risk. It had to be a difficult step for you too. :thumbup: That's my two cents!
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Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by pbp908 »

A question for Misha: Why would the people at CS be upset about this? Nobody here is selling anything, nobody is talking down about the products - matter of fact, all comments have been upbeat. Is it because we choose to chat in this format instead of the other site? We were very open about preferring this format and actually seemed to be in the majority on that aspect. I'm puzzled about this.

Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO


Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by misha »

No, don't get me wrong. It is not that they are upset about this site in particular. I think they are more upset with how the whole thing didn't go over as well as they thought. They were so excited by the whole thing and I think they just assumed everyone else would be too. They are sad that so many people did not love it the way they do (remember they are human) and I think regarding this site, it is more just that it is an obvious indicator of how much people do not like or are not willing to try the other site. Please understand I am not defending either side here as I do not think this is a side type of thing, I am just telling you that I had a REAL person in my car who has been hurt by the whole response to this, the nasty emails, the calls, the threats to cancel memberships, etc.
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Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by nancine »

Well I certainly can understand their point of view - and shame on people for sending nasty e-mails and the like. I can't imagine someone threatening to cancel their membership over a website change. :roll:

The new site was a big learning curve for me and I'm still getting used to it, but there are many things I do like a lot. That said, I'm really glad to have this forum IN ADDITION!
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Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by jfugina »

You know, here's my take on this whole thing. They claim they made a business decision, and they're happy with it. That's their decision to make. However, if they had really care what their customers thought, rather than just assuming that we'd bow at their feet and thank them for whatever they produced, then they made a *bad* business decision.

Had they really wanted to guarantee that they'd have something that was adored by more than them, they would have gotten focus groups, and hired staff to develop this change and dedicate to its support. I posted in the old forum - if I would ever produce a web site like this for my customers, I'd lose my job. I can't develop anything that's custom for a particular client without working with them though the whole process.. requirements gathering, design, development, and testing. And CS is entirely within their right to re-design their entire web presence. However, I think bad decision #2 was not giving us any warning. They could have easily announced that they were "updating and enhancing the community", without letting any of the details out of the bag. At least then, we would have had time to prepare.

That whole thing seemed to me to be kind of like coming home only to see the whole place in flames - with no hope of getting it back. But the insurance company said - oh, but here - no worries - we have a new house for you, and you're going to love it. It's comfortable and you have all new furniture and some new rooms. But that's beside the point - losing a home is still traumatic, even if you're given a new place to live. We lost our home - we were traumatized. And because the CS staff didn't regularly participate (they were just occasional visitors), I don't think they realized that some of us had really hung up coat racks, and hung art on the walls, and built bookshelves for our scrapbooks there. We were vested.

I'm still a member, and plan in continuing my membership. I didn't write any nasty letter over their business decision. But I don't think it was a good one. I'm glad that the friends I made at CSC are here, whether it be instead of, or in addition to, the new CS community.

OK.. that was longer than I intended, but I needed to get that off my chest. I really don't think that CS understood what they were taking away. :angry37:
Julie Fugina
#26 in the order of the PAO

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by Luanne »

What she said.

I feel bad that they didn't get the response they wanted,
But I also never received an apology for being insulted.

and that is 'Officially' the last I'm saying about it.

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by Holly »

I agree I don't think they understood, but a few of the people pushing that site over there, knew exactly what it meant to us, and I believe it was their own agenda being pushed. I think they liked to be the "big shot" and this gave them an "in".

Plus they decided to make us the testing group when they opened it up to us. I believe their original test group meant well, and tried, but in no way were they able to find all the problems. I think the majority of that group so believe in T and D that they swallowed the new site with no problem. Not their fault, really, since when did we ever get a bad product from CS. Never, so who would have expected one now.

Bottom line is we expressed our dislike of the new set up, and we were ignored. We did not get their ear. I didn't threaten to quit my membership, but I did pm them and tell them what I felt was wrong with the new site. I would have liked it if they could have fixed it, but they can't and so I felt at a loss as do what we could do.

With any product, if the consumer doesn't like it, they will go elsewhere.

They say this was a business decision that they are happy with. And this is a consumer decision I am happy with. SO what's their problem?

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by n8tvtexan »

I just thought of something.... Its kind of like when someone asks for your advice repeatedly but ignores the advice you offer. My sis and mom always ask my advice. I finally stopped giving it to them! They only want me to agree with what they are thinking. I love CS. I think their products are superb. I just prefer this chat forum and the fact that I already know how to use it AND I can post everything here!

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by Holly »

Do you all realize it took us one week to pass the number of posts (3 weeks in) on the new CS site :dumbell: ?

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by fuzzylover »

I don't feel guilty. I participate on the new board - I still haven't figured out where I uploaded some of my pictures - LOL. I guess I'll find them eventually.

I just like familiarity - this board looks the same and I have a lot of my friends here - what more could I want?
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Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by troublesmom »

I may have felt a little guilty at first here but that didn't last long. My big thing is I use several companys and like that I can upload projects from them all. I really love Club Scrap for my scrapbooking but have never been able to get into their stamps. I have a lot of them and do use them once in a while but .......

Thanks for this site and letting me put up all my projects!
Myrtle Beach
#59 in order PAO

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by Cathy »

I haven't been on too much this week - so just getting caught up with all the posts!

I truly feel terrible that Club Scrap's staff's feeling may be hurt because of our chatboard here. With 10,000 customers, it is a compliment that they are bothered by the 100 plus we have here.

For me - it's just another forum to communicate. I have no issues with CS other than their Community Board is a tad difficult to use for certain things and too slow for my impatience! Everything else has my vote 100%.

I am an accounting manager for a bridal store. There are several vendors that I work with who have very difficult websites to navigate. I have chosen not to do business with them online because of that reason. I do not have the time or patience to figure out their systems. Very user unfriendly!

I really strongly believe in customer service. And I believe that if I am paying for a product, then I should get and like what I am paying for. So if I didn't like something, should I feel bad or guilty? No.

I absolutely love CS products and will continue to buy, use and share what I craft. I'm pretty sure that most of us feel the same way.

No one should feel guilty at all. We have found a way to keep in touch with each other using a forum that is much easier to use.

So to the two of my friends that won't come over here - YOU SHOULD! I miss your chat! Post in both places!

Trine from Norway

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by Trine from Norway »

Sorry, I don't understand whats the problem is......All members in here are not satisfied with the new site....but many of us are on both....If T&D are hurt for this...well.....it's nothing I can do about it....They make a decision...I (WE) make mine (ours.).

If somebody want to quit their membership because of a bad web-site....well...I think the would quit anyway...

The only thing who will stop my membership is my bankacount....I love CS fantastic products ans so long I can pay for it...I will be a member. And I can promised you......If I get money..you will see me at next retreat.

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by cnedaria »

Well, since we're still venting, I don't care for the new site (personal preference) but it's also BUGGY as all get out. I've been TRYING to use it, and besides the lag time I experience, I've had multiple failures uploading pictures, it won't retain my log-in data and tells me I have to log in only to tell me I AM already logged in when I enter my data, the search functions don't actually pick up on all keywords (I tested that using keywords in a post I made myself), and those are just the problems off the top of my head this morning. I'll play there only to the extent necessary to complete swaps and Bday cards and OCAM (although I am DREADING putting up all my birthdaycards on the community where I should be looking foward to getting them!). I do love CS, but I don't think the community is going to be the marketing tool they were looking for. I'm very grateful for you all here!
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