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Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:35 pm
by jmp1022
I finally got my manifesto printed now to make that page
I have several pages waiting for photos or I would have more done

Manifesto is on page one with my treats page

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:18 pm
by jmp1022
have pg 5

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:09 pm
by mpizzazz
Debi, those are wonderful!

Jill, great idea to feature the photo of our cards.

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:28 pm
by jmp1022
thank you
it doesn't show all the cards but it's one I had available

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 10:55 pm
by jmp1022
page 12 done mentors
I used a photo I already had printed
I might end up with another
page when I find the one at Donna D.

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:57 am
by mpizzazz
I really like the stamp paper, Jill. Is that at a CS retreat?

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:35 pm
by jmp1022
thank you Marianne
yes the picture is from Aug this year.
They gave us each a print

The paper I don't know what brand

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:28 pm
by paddlegal
Jill you're amazing! I'm really enjoying seeing your LOs. Love "mentors"...what a perfect pairing.

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:34 pm
by jmp1022
Thank you farley
I'm going to do one more pg of poa girls

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:06 am
by pamcook
Got 4 more done last night. Almost half way there. Ordered photos yesterday. So glad I'm using divided protector pages. A few of the prompts will have several photos (such as "entertainment" and "treats") so they might get a whole page on their own. We'll see!

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:14 pm
by nchoney
I need to take more photos of my pages. I'm caught up through this afternoon!! I doubt we'll make it til midnight tonight but maybe I'll pull a photo from the web for one more page for 12/31.

I really didn't think I'd keep up with this. :-)

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:50 am
by mpizzazz
I'm still back on Day 20 and have almost no photos. I was only going to do until the 25th but now after our "interesting" week, l have to include it. Humm, holly shaped enamel dots on the wrist bands from the hospital ?? ;)

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 7:35 pm
by pamcook
Up to day 27. My print order shipped. Not sure I have all the prints I need but should have most.

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:35 am
by nchoney
I think I'm finished! There wasn't another prompt for today... odd... I thought there was going to be one for the 6th. But I already covered it since I have some photos for the "Old Christmas" celebration in Rodanthe... found a photo with me in it from 1973... online. Great find!! So the Epiphany is covered. and yesterday was a little snow on the ground.... and I've left a blank page for adding a photo of me packing up the tree... that'll happen tonight.... tiny tree goes in a tote til next year. :-)

I'll have to do some better scans of the pages (instead of uneven photos) and then post it all again.

I really didn't think I'd stick with it through the entire time... had such a hard time getting started on it but then it all started working for me. Not sure if I'll do it next year... it won't look back in time quite as much, so it'll be different.

I still have a ton of past Christmas photos to make scrapbook layouts with... so between that and the monthly card-making, the Christmas supplies will be handy all year. I'm toying with the idea of using the 6x8 pocket page format for next year. We'll see.

How did everyone else do?

Re: JYC 2015 (Post your creations here!)

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:00 am
by nchoney
Was just looking through my email and found the Prompt PDF in the email from Shimelle for Day 37 (which is today).... but I'm disappointed.... I had looked back to 2013 last night to read what was in that prompt and it's the same exact info... word for word... including the typos. She had a couple others like that during the month, too... since I had read through quite a few of the 2014 ones before this year's prompts started coming. That shouldn't bug me since it's my first year... but for folks who've been doing this for a few years, I'd think that'd bug them a little. And... I know she can't totally create every prompt as a new topic... but you'd think she'd re-word them a little.

I know... still fairly new baby.. busy woman... all that... but at least correct the typos? LOL

That's what makes me wonder what I'll wind up doing next year. If I'm not getting new prompts and ideas, then I'm not sure how to work through it all for a whole month. Hopefully my tree will be different...and my wrapping paper.... but I may change my process and do something even more like a December Daily album rather than revisit the same exact concepts. I may need to go read through Ali's prompts to see how those look, too.

Anybody else have those thoughts on the completely re-used prompts?