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A ? About the New Challenges

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 8:07 am
by pbp908
Should I move all of these to the reCreate section or leave them in Cyber Crops? Since the idea was originally issued as a stay at home reCreate thing, I can do whatever everyone wants, but won't move them until confirmed.

Another thought - should the name of the thread be changed from NC Get-together (AKA ReCreate) to just ReCreate? To me it sounds like the only people who are getting together and it's open to are just those of us from NC. ReCreate attendees in the past (and hopefully future) have been from Washington, West Va., Va., SC, NC, Canada and other places that right now eludes my feeble brain. And I seem to remember that there have been a few West Coast ReCreates, too.

Or should there be a thread for ReCreate challenges?

Just thinking "out loud" here.

Re: A ? About the New Challenges

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 9:59 am
by Debbie J
I think move them all to one thread called ReCreate 2020

Re: A ? About the New Challenges

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 11:20 am
by pbp908
Unfortunately I don't have the necessary permissions to create a new Index, which is what would be needed to add individual challenges. It would fall under the PAO Events index as a sub-index (?) or under the larger ReCreate index. Which takes us back to the title change question.

Think of the way that the folders and indices are set up the same way that you would think of a family tree and it might make more sense.

This is going to sound a bit strange, but I like simple files with a logical progression and logical names. It came from years of working with computers (thank goodness I no longer have to do that!) and having to find stored data and other documents at the drop of a hat. Just call me Ms. Spock. :lol:

Re: A ? About the New Challenges

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 1:19 pm
by Monica
I vote for renaming the cyber crop thread to (re)Create 2020 and lumping them all there, partially because the only two areas I have mod access to are the cyber crop and camp ones, so if you move it to the current (re)Create someone else will need to mod it if and when it becomes necessary.

Re: A ? About the New Challenges

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 2:30 pm
by nchoney
When I'm on a computer (rather than my tablet) ill try to make a thread for ReCreate202

Re: A ? About the New Challenges

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 9:46 pm
by pamcook
Just a minor change? It’s re(create)...
And yes, feel free to remove N.C. from the title.
Otherwise - whatever is easiest. I search “view active topics” and rarely pay attention to the actual threads.