Transferring images...

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Ruth Ann Landry

Transferring images...

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

Is anyone else interested in transferring techniques? What have you tried? What has worked well for you? I am fascinated with this lately...I spose it's connected to my interest in collage art these days...and have been trying different techniques with varying results...all fun and interesting in their own right. I started a small (6 x 6) collage experiment this morning that I'm rather excited about as I've always read you can't use ink-jet images.....well, you can! Will post image when I'm done with it.

Re: Transferring images...

Post by ChristyB »

I mostly do packing tape transfers---quick and easy but of course size limiting.

I can't wait to see what you do, I have avoided alot because of the "ink jet restrictions" hunting down a photocopier has never been high on my list of priorities.
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Transferring images...

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

Well, here is my first experiment with jet ink transfer....I found: 1. you can do it. 2. you can do it in b & w or color, 3. I like it......Keep in mind, this was one of my many experiments in a technique and I really didn't have a plan for where it was going....I also found "painting" with my fingers worked best!
transfer oriental 001.JPG
transfer oriental 001.JPG (32.25 KiB) Viewed 532 times
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Transferring images...

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

A few more layers to see what can be done to it: 1. some doodling 2. gold spray webbing around edges 3. joss paper added 4. more stamped images........I find that it is much shinier and much more vivid IRL
transger oriental2 001.JPG
transger oriental2 001.JPG (33.18 KiB) Viewed 520 times

Re: Transferring images...

Post by Holly »

I like it alot Ruth Ann. Very Pretty. Did you say this was 6 x 6? Canvas? or Paper?
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Transferring images...

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

Actually, I found watercolor canvas pad on sale at Michael's and am using's very fabric like and actually is stringy when cut.....I think you could use any good quality paper...possible, watercolor or canvas paper. I always cut smaller pieces when I'm experimenting because I don't want to ruin a whole piece of paper! Yes, this is 6 x 6

Re: Transferring images...

Post by Holly »

You are very talented RA.

Re: Transferring images...

Post by ChristyB »

very very cool
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Transferring images...

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

Thanks for the compliment, Holly...I think I'm just lucky sometimes with my little "trials".....I've just been more interested in collage art these days and have gone through lots of paper and supplies with transference failures.....I'm excited to finally learn how to use all that stuff I download from the compu besides just cutting and pasting it on something!!!

Re: Transferring images...

Post by jdrhope »

i like it, RuthAnn.

Re: Transferring images...

Post by julierealtor »

So RA...what method of transfer did you use on this? Is it a gel medium? I love that YOU are paving the way. I'm all tied up with work these days and working on a Wedding SB for my DS that has to be finished in 2 weeks. But I have images that I want to use in Luly's journal all ready to give it up Ruth Ann :D
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Transferring images...

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

Julie, here is what I did:
1. I used watercolor canvas paper, but I'm sure you could use any heavy paper, such as watercolor paper, canvas paper, etc.
2. I meant to slather on gesso, but used gel medium, by problem
3. print and cut images and apply gel to image side of what you are transferring...remember that words will print backward
4. apply image to background image/gel side down
5. i brayered, then used bone folder, then rubbed with finger for a minute or two.
6. gently peel back corner to see if image is transferring, if not rub some more.
7. when done, gently pull back on transfer paper.
8. If some paper adheres to image, it can be gently rubbed or peeled off...this only happened once to me.
9. Let dry completely, or use heat gun
10. I found color and black and white images transferred equally well
11. It is important to note that some edges are not perfect, but i like this effect as it appears more vintage.

If you want to know what else I did after that, it's on my blog...see below....or ask.
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Transferring images...

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

I'm feeling really brave showing I know they aren't that good, but I've had such fun with it...I realized that I don't like the doodling in the lower left corner...but oh well! Really like the doodles that encircle the girl....and I hate my handwriting, so I prob wouldn't do that again, but overall, I learned some more things doing this one, too.
inkjet trans-eggs 002.JPG
inkjet trans-eggs 002.JPG (38.19 KiB) Viewed 457 times
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Re: Transferring images...

Post by Paula »

Ruth Ann, I think the doodling came out great! The entire work is a piece of art, and you did a marvelous job :clap: :clap: I love what appears to be layoring, and all of the accents. And your handwriting is just fine! You, my lady, are way too critical of your own work. I happen to think it is amazing :angel:


Re: Transferring images...

Post by julierealtor »

Ruth Ann...I really like the doodling and the handwriting because it's yours...want my address? I really do like handwriting on's not so much about the handwriting as making it yours...
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