PAO summer camp fun?

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PAO summer camp fun?

Post by Monica »

So... I was talking with my sister today about her kids getting out of school, the plans she's got for them, etc.... and it got me to thinking about how much fun I had at summer camp when I was a kid. I know there will be a CS PSL sumemr camp, and this is not something that I'm suggesting to thumb my nose at people or anything, so please don't take it that way. I used to be a teacher/DT member of the School of Scrap (TSOS) site before it disappeared, and I so enjoyed the monthly classes/challenges we did. I would like to coordinate/organize a July-August "camp" for PAO, if anyone is interested. This will be something along the lines of what I remember from doing TSOS stuff. Let me see if I have anything left from my notes last year... hmmm..... (sounds of rummaging through the PC)....

Ah! Here we go! These are some of the challenges from last year's spring fling week:
For my challenge I would like you to use Ribbon. This is my new favorite thing to use when scrapbooking!!!

Use at least two types of ribbon on your layout!!!!!

Monochromatic color challenge: Ok all one color isn't really all that fun but what about lots of different patterns with the same color.

This is a challenge to go back to the 'roots' or beginning of scrapbooking when we didn't have as many kewl embellishments and tools like we do now. I challenge you to create a page using:

using decorative edged scissors and/or a template (shapes, alphabet, etc.)

It can be any size or any theme!! Just have fun with it!!

For this challenge you must create a layout without using any kind of glue or adhesive. Think creatively when attaching things to your page. Try sewing, staples, eyelets, brads, whatever you can think of, just no glue or adhesive!

I dare you to make a layout using ONLY cardstock. NOTHING else. Well, ok... inks and paint and that sort of thing are fine.. but no patterned paper- ANYWHERE allowed. If you make your *own* patterned paper, say out of cardstock and maybe stamps or somthing like that... now that would just be ingenious! Hey, I know we've all got tons of it... why not use it and have fun with it?

A fun challenge for you! Create a card that is NOT a rectangle or a square.

Think Circles, Stars, Hearts, Ovals, Flowers....anything but squares and rectangles.

Okay, some of us have spent quite a bit of time "catching" the hot potato the past few days. I challenge you to do a layout about a favorite childhood game that you played.
use any embellishments also.

I challenge you to do a layout without using photos. But it must have a "topic". It can be about anything. Try using lots of journaling, ticket stubs or other memorabilla etc.

Please create a card or layout using your Jewels. I love the look of these added on a layout or card.

Needs to be done by Friday at 6pm EST

I know if you have been busy scrapping you will have a lot of leftover scraps all over your desk. So my challenge to you is to use those scraps and make any kind of card with them.
So? Anyone interested?
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Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by Paula »

I'm always up for a challenge, anyone else??????? :creating:
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Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by Monica »

And we need a catchy name for it, so anyone who's good with names..... something with PAO in the title maybe? :)

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Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by azemigh »

I'm up for it too! Even from the road. I'll put my thinking cap on while I'm in the car for some names.

Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by ChristyB »

I'm game :D
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

I'll do my best if my "muse" will cooperate with me!
Judi in IL

Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by Judi in IL »

I'm in!
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Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by pbp908 »

I'm in. Anything to get me out of my doldrums. I don't do PSL so this could be fun. Especially if the only person you're competing against is yourself.
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO
scrappin nurse

Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by scrappin nurse »

I'm in too! I'll try and think of a catchy name.

Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by gwenj »

Sounds like fun to me--I'll try to keep up.
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Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by gwendols »

I'll play. :mrgreen:
Gwen Godfrey
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Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by pugmom »

Sounds like fun - I'll give it a go.
Sue in NC (formerly known as Sue in Colorado)
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Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by Monica »

I"m so glad you all want to come play at camp with me! You guys want me to pick all the themes and challenges, or shall we pick a couple counselors to help out? Hmmm.... maybe Admin can pick our star camper at the event....

So, you guys want just challenges, or would you like to have a swap as well? Maybe something like send a camp or summer-themed card/ATC/tag out, like the PAO OCAM? I'm just tossing out ideas, so plase let me know which ones you like!

Also.... if anyone wants to arrange a game or 2 we can play, I'm open to suggestions and ideas. The only ones I can think of offhand is a version of hot potatoes done on a thread or BINGO (we'd have to create a word list for this one and use the Live Chat area).

I should also mention.... since I'm on the West Coast, I do need at least one volunteer/counselor from the East side for all you early risers, so let me know if you're willing to do that. It won't keep you from joining in the fun, but I'm sure not getting up at 3 am to answer questions. Love you all, but I need sleep! :sleep: ;)

PM me if you want to help as a couselor, and I'll see about getting some basics laid out for our camp fun.

Oh, and one more question (yeah, right.... I'll probably have more later!)... I'm thinking layouts, cards, ATCs, digital, tags.... anything that can be fun to create and post to share. This okay with you all?

No. 28 in the Order of PAO
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Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by Hasmom99 »

I'm not into the idea of games, but I will definitely participate with the summer challenges.
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Re: PAO summer camp fun?

Post by pbp908 »

I'm lucky if I can do one of anything, so I'm not into swaps right now. (Daylight hours are taken up working outside when I'm not at the office.) Whatever majority wants.
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO
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