How Far Back?

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How far back are you scrapping?

I'm scrapping back for as many generations as I can find photos.
I'm scrapping back as far as my parent's lives.
I'm scrapping back to the start of my life.
I'm scrapping from the birth of my children forward.
I'm scrapping back to some other point.
Total votes: 25


How Far Back?

Post by LadyJaine »

I asked this question on my favorite digital forum. I can't help but wonder...

I started scrapping shortly after I met my Wonderful Husband, so that's where I drew the line. Anything from before his time, I'm not scrapping. I have admitted that I DO NOT WANT to scrap the photos from my childhood. I'm not gonna and you can't make me! I'm putting my old family photos into boring photo albums with the minimum of documentation next to the photos. If I get inspired, I'll do some layouts with my absolute favorite photos, but the documentation of life thing is not going to happen.

Re: How Far Back?

Post by jam1375 »

I went back as far as I had pictures in my own (horrible) magnetic albums. Neither my mother nor I are on speaking terms with my father, and somehow after the divorce he ended up with most of the family photo collection. So, I don't have any photos from the trip he and I took to France my freshman year of high school, or of my first scuba diving trip, or most of my baby pictures. I didn't do anything fancy with these old photos - just stuck them on ALSB'ed pages, put down basic journaling about date/location/people/etc. to the best of my knowledge and then moved on.

Re: How Far Back?

Post by donnak »

I am scrapping as far back as I can go . . . we inherited a huge box of family photos and my mil also wrote biographies of her mother, father and herself and included many, many photos in that . . . I also have another box of photos of my dad's family pretty far back. I'm making progress - it's just gonna take the rest of my life! :lol:
Judi in IL

Re: How Far Back?

Post by Judi in IL »

When I started scrapping (1996) I started with what was current and have pretty much kept up with that, but haven't done much of my children's early life yet except for some trips. I plan to do them, I just seem to keep to taking so many current pictures I haven't had time to go back to them. :)

I scrapped all of the old photos that I found in my grandmother's albums,my parents' early marriage years and much of my early life in albums for my mom as gifts over the past several years. I mostly let her journal them with what she wanted to say, which is primarily name, date, etc. she doesn't get journaling.

I have no interest whatsoever in doing a 'book of me'.

Re: How Far Back?

Post by Holly »

I know some people scrap chronologically-- but I am an all over scrapper, usually motivated by a group of pics or a nice paper.

Re: How Far Back?

Post by Sharonv »

Holly wrote:I know some people scrap chronologically-- but I am an all over scrapper, usually motivated by a group of pics or a nice paper.
What Holly said :)

Re: How Far Back?

Post by bethrich »

Me too. Whatever tickles my fancy at the moment. I inherited the old photos from my maternal grandmother's family that go back into the 1880s. I've also collected scans from other branches of the family. Since, in the past, they didn't take the massive number of photos that we do now, it's a lot easier to scrap the photos that are maybe pre-1950.
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Re: How Far Back?

Post by pbp908 »

I had 100 years of photos of my DH's family to sort and try to identify. You wouldn't believe how many times I said "Do you look older in this picture or that picture?" :wtf: Now I have my mother's pictures to try to make it through. I'm not getting overly fancy with any of these - just get them on a page so they won't deteriorate and identify as many people in them as possible. I started out chronologically and that was fine for a couple of years, but then I joined CS and met all of these bad influences who convinced me that I should scrap it as I feel it! :lol:
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

Re: How Far Back?

Post by Maree »

Yeah I scrap whatever floats my boat on the day :lol:
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Re: How Far Back?

Post by troublesmom »

I jump all over the place when scrapping also. I will work on one group for a while but then put them away and start on another. That is why I have 20 albums half to 3/4 done.
Holly wrote:I know some people scrap chronologically-- but I am an all over scrapper, usually motivated by a group of pics or a nice paper.
Myrtle Beach
#59 in order PAO
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