sometimes inspiration comes in small packages

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sometimes inspiration comes in small packages

Post by ChristyB »

Maya brought me a book tonight to read to her & Ryleigh. I've seen it on her shelf for several years (Shai gave it to her as a present) but had never looked at it before.

The book is called The Dot by Peter Reynolds ... 0763619612

It's a short book, mostly pictures. But the story in it was so moving. And then I read the author little blib on the back page. I'd like to share it with you.
" "I often visit classrooms and ask who loves to draw,he says. In Kindergaarten & first grade all the hands go up. By 4th & 5th grade most of the hands are down, or perhaps pointing to the 'class artist'. It's sad to see kids creative energy slowing down, being packed away. I am convinced it's because they learn early that there are 'rules' to follow. But when it comes to expressing yourself, you CAN change the rules,stretch them, or ignore them .and dive headfirst into the unknown"
Peter H Reynolds

See if you local library has a copy, borrow, read it
and remember that when it comes to your art there are NO rules and we all should feel free to make our own DOT on the world
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