Best Intentions, and Where's My Right Lung???

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Best Intentions, and Where's My Right Lung???

Post by pbp908 »

I can now say with great confidence that I do NOT have Covid, Influenza, or Strep. I may have Pneumonia or RSV, neither of which I was screened for as the treatment is the same for both. I'm not sure I lean toward either one because I have not have a fever. Don't laugh. Sitting beside me are a digital thermometer, an Oximeter, a canula for the oxygen concentrator, a nebulizer for that machine, and an entire wardrobe for when I'm hot or cold as I spend a lot of time adding and subtracting. Lost my voice for 5 days and it's now back to everyone's sorrow. Day 14 and I now have an appetite and can eat w/o nausea. Prescribed Prednisone and antibiotics, so what the heck - I haven't been able to sleep anyway so bring on the steroids.

OD'ed on OTC stuff last night trying to kill the cough and swore I was dying. Tossed most if it in the trash this morning as soon as I realized that I'm alive.

I intended to make everyone a VDay card but this has set me back 2 weeks and counting. I did have the best intentions and have it all on the work table waiting. I'll have to find another fun holiday, like Gardening in the Nude Day - and yes, it's real!, or Towel day.

Anyway, hope Puxatony Phil is kind to all of us! Now THAT would make a great card!
Pam P.
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Re: Best Intentions, and Where's My Right Lung???

Post by EDelValle »

oh, Pam, I'm sorry you are still feeling so crappy!
I hope it gets resolved soon.
I remember many years ago having a cough
that just would not quit, the only thing that
let me get some sleep was a juice glass of
Tres los Castillos Anis. It's anisette distilled in
Puerto Rico and it has rock candy in the bottom
of the bottle, my mother in law used to bring us a
bottle whenever she went to Puerto Rico to visit
family. But since we weren't really into late night
beveridges by the time we would have any of
this anisette the rock candy was mostly dissolved
and the anisette was as thick as syrup. I would
fill the juice glass and sit up in bed and sip, sip,
sip and I would soon be asleep and not coughing for
the whole night. They should bottle it as a medicinal
cough syrup. So my medical advice would be to find
yourself a nice smooth liqueur that you like, put it in
the fridge, at bedtime forget the pills and pour yourself
a hefty juice glass and sit up in bed and sip until you
fall into a peaceful sleep :drunk:
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Re: Best Intentions, and Where's My Right Lung???

Post by pbp908 »

Trust me, I have considered breaking out the Bailey's! I do have some rum that Dr. Brayboy brought me from Puerto Rico a few years ago. It's a higher alcohol content than I'd normally drink which is why it's still here. Maybe if I drop some rock candy in the bottom???
Pam P.
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Re: Best Intentions, and Where's My Right Lung???

Post by Monica »

Oh Pam, I feel for you! it really sucks when modern medicine can't determine what's wrong and they keep prescribing things that treat the symptoms without knowing if that will be a cure. I'm so thankful to have survived my horrible bout with bronchitis a decade ago and the two month sickness that was never identified but I really just wanted to crawl into a corner and die.

Take care of you and know we're here for you in spite of the forum being a lot more quiet than it used to be. I love that you were trying to do Valentine's Day cards, but I know you'll find a fun/wacky/unexpected holiday to celebrate when you feel better. Big hugs and hopes for swift healing!

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Re: Best Intentions, and Where's My Right Lung???

Post by pugmom »

Pam, I'm so sorry to hear that you have been so sick. I hope your family has been rallying and taking care of you.
Hoping that you start to feel a bit better each day although that cough will probably hang on for a long time.
(Elizabeth's idea sounds perfect ;) )
Sue in NC (formerly known as Sue in Colorado)
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Re: Best Intentions, and Where's My Right Lung???

Post by pugmom »

How are you feeling, Pam?
Sue in NC (formerly known as Sue in Colorado)
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Re: Best Intentions, and Where's My Right Lung???

Post by pbp908 »

I'm feeling better except for the lack of energy. My doctor had this mess (RSV) also and he's still trying to get his energy level up. I'm ready to scream because I have cabin fever! My sister is still feeling the effects and she's starting to get depressed. I think we need some beach time or something. ;)
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO
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