2009 Camp PAO-WOW Artwork

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Re: Water sports

Post by azemigh »

Here's a LO I did for my digi cabin at CS camp. The water sport here is called "hey gus! don't get wet". My DH made this game up to try and coax the dog who is afraid of water to have a little fun at the beach. He was ok if the just the sand was wet and he got the bottoms of his feet wet, but if a wave caught him he would just stop and stand still until the wave receded. He's a very funny dog.
Hey GusLow.jpg
Hey GusLow.jpg (61.13 KiB) Viewed 1784 times
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Re: Sports field

Post by azemigh »

Here is my 10 yr old nephew playing with his Little League All Stars team. They came in 3rd place! which was AWESOME! He plays left field, 3rd base and relief pitcher.

His real name is David, but his team calls him Elmo because of his curly mop of bright red hair.

Concrete Jungle papers and elements.
ElmoLow.jpg (52.84 KiB) Viewed 1887 times
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Re: Arts & Crafts

Post by mpizzazz »

This is my first Camp post, I'm glad to be back.
Three Thank You cards that I have made this week, mostly Club Scrap GTG with embellishments from various kits.
Flowers and Fibers
Flowers and Fibers
IMG_7975.JPG (66.17 KiB) Viewed 1871 times
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Re: KP Duty

Post by mpizzazz »

Here are two cards using the sketch.
There is a bit of a story to these which explains why they have a bit of a retro look. My Mom saved cards she had received for many years. She still had cards I gave her before I could actually sign my own name!and many Birthday and Mother's Day cards since! In the last few weeks of her life, she wanted to cut up the fronts of the saved cards so I could recycle them in projects. We spent several afternoons at the craft table with her cutting out whatever she thought was worth saving. The floral strips are from the card fronts that she cut up.
On the pansy one, I added silver peel off outlines and then filled in the outlines with a gold metallic pen.
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On the black floral one, I added the solid black panel and the peel off gold "Thank You" and the fiber.
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#57 in the order of PAO

Our travels

Re: Mailbox

Post by bethrich »

If I sent cards to my family they'd have heart attacks, so that's not happening! But my BFF Amy just found out that her SSDI disability was denied after a recent hearing. She's having to start all over with the process. She is so sad and frustrated that I hope to cheer her up a tiny bit.

She just loves purple so she gets a purple-themed herringbone card made with Tie Dye scraps and some sparkly white of unknown source. I really like how the Tie Dye worked for this technique.

Retro paper and ribbon for the panel and the bookmark. I used Christy's trick of mounting an ATC holder with red line tape to hold the bookmark which is gold embossed with added VersaMark butterflies. Purple matching butterflies were stamped on the envelope.
2009_07_PAO_Mail.jpg (97.54 KiB) Viewed 1788 times

Re: Sports field

Post by rinda »

Started in on some sports photos today. Here's two layouts: dd's basketball team (done on CS Henna) and one of ds's baseball teams (this is his "third" team; it's in a neighboring town, and he plays with them when his regular league/all-star team and his regular travel ball team are not playing!).
claraolp5.jpg (174.13 KiB) Viewed 1864 times
fosterbball.jpg (186.5 KiB) Viewed 1864 times

Re: Photography Class - Week two - Clouds

Post by djenns »

I'm going to send in about 4-5 pics...I think the limit for each reply is 3 so I'll send in the 3 cloud pics from todays motorcycle ride from South Fork, CO to Pagosa Springs, Co for lunch. This is about a 45 mile ride over Wolf Creek Pass and it's absolutely a beautiful ride. The pic that has states "The road ahead" is what we like to see when we're riding.....nice clouds, lots of trees, the mountains ahead and the curves in the road. The Middle pic was taken right after we had lunch and started heading back - got a huge water drop on the windshield and this cloud was directly overhead. We managed to get in front of it before it opened up and dumped on us., and the 3rd photo I just looked up and saw the 2 jet trails....didn't think my little digi - 10x - would catch it, but it did so I'm sharing.

Thanks for looking
Diana Enns
The Roaming Stamper
After the rain cloud passed....
After the rain cloud passed....
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Rain Clouds overhead....
Rain Clouds overhead....
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The view ahead
The view ahead
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Re: Photography Class

Post by djenns »

One more set of pics.....not all clouds. This is where we are: The views from the front door of our Motorhome....and a bit of why we like this lifestyle. I'll have to send a pic of the front side later......
This is looking at the back side of our MH.  Just giving you an idea of how we live.
This is looking at the back side of our MH. Just giving you an idea of how we live.
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The entry to the RV Park .....and a great view of the mountains
The entry to the RV Park .....and a great view of the mountains
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Re: Photography Class

Post by Yoli »

This is an awesome and a very well timed thread. I have just started taking my Nikon D50 off auto mode and experimenting with different camera settings. Tired of using my D50 as an expensive point-and-shoot camera. LOL.

So while in Florida last week I took this shot of the Space Shuttle Endeavour sitting at the launch pad. I used my telephoto lens (70-300mm). I forgot to change the white balance setting on the camera before taking this picture. It had been sunny & bright just a few minutes before the storm moved in so the white balance was set for sunshine. Overall, however, I don't think the picture is half bad.

My favorite however is the second photo taken with my macro lens, Nikkor 60mm lens. I just love the details of the wings and the fuzziness of the bee's body.

Thanks Jean for the tutorial. Thanks Monica for starting this thread.
Florida (12).JPG
Florida (12).JPG (32.56 KiB) Viewed 1769 times
just fooling around (71).JPG
just fooling around (71).JPG (12.29 KiB) Viewed 1769 times

Re: Sports field

Post by rinda »

Thanks guys. Here's another baseball layout - a tribute to how well DS has done pitching this year. His all star team has a semi final game tonight for the sectionals (the tournament that would qualify them for the state tournament). We'd appreciate any baseball luck or prayers for top performance that you'd like to send along!
henrypitch.jpg (183.96 KiB) Viewed 1808 times

Re: Sports field

Post by ChristyB »

here is my first sports lo
oldest dd softball playing
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Re: Sports field

Post by rinda »

Well our guys lost their baseball game last night, so the season's over. It's sad, but I know there will be more games soon. Anyway, here's the most recent baseball layout I did.
hmbjoes.jpg (179.76 KiB) Viewed 1774 times

Re: Sports field

Post by rinda »

"Rinda who makes that paper with the bat and ball on it??"

It's made by BoBunny. They also made the patterned paper in my other baseball layout. I really like their sports line, veryr grungy and cool. I have previously used their soccer paper/embellies. I'll attach the layout if I can find it.

The letter stickers are Basic Grey Urban Couture.

soccer.jpg (176.95 KiB) Viewed 1751 times

Re: Sports field

Post by Sharonv »

Georgia and Calisthenics.

This looks way too busy now I have photographed it, but in real life I like it.... It is on black background paper.
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Re: Photography Class

Post by Sharonv »

Couple of cloud shots. Remember it is winter here! I wanted to capture my new windchime hence it is in the foreground. I haven't figured out how to use macro etc so it was just point and click.
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DSC02257.jpg (31.6 KiB) Viewed 1847 times