Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Something else on your mind? Keep it clean, keep it nice
Dani Larcom

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Dani Larcom »

Ick - it's not loading well - sounds all staticy. I'll have to check again later.

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by ChristyB »

will i am
knew him from black eyed peas just never knew his name

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Holly »

Yeah music didn't load well on that song, but worked fine on the second. Ruth Ann --love the ATC.
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

I've noticed the swaps are down too...forget the other site...noone signs up...I had one person sign up for RR atcs that is NOT a member here....I wonder if it's just that there are too many swaps and people are overwhelmed with that? I thought that after Christmas, people would be freed up, but it seems that it is still a problem.
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

hmmmmm....it works fine on my end...wonder what's up with that? I downloaded from playlist.....

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Luly »

Wow, RuthAnn you have been busy! Love the blog.

As for the swaps, I know I didn't have sign ups so it would be loose and fast but I am in the birthday club on the other site and I have gotten about 10 cards. This time last year it was like 50. Who knows what the problem is. I just hope we get enough to keep it going.. we have a whole year of themes picked out.. LOL

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by ChristyB »

plyed for me too

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Holly »

Ruth Ann Landry wrote:I've noticed the swaps are down too...forget the other site...noone signs up...I had one person sign up for RR atcs that is NOT a member here....I wonder if it's just that there are too many swaps and people are overwhelmed with that? I thought that after Christmas, people would be freed up, but it seems that it is still a problem.
Maybe it's just the after Christmas catch up that we all seem to need time for. I know I have things pulling on me, outside the home, at church, and at home (work related and personal). I also need to get my car in for a oil change and check up, and I am two months behind on getting a mammogram. And now, Honey's getting married in April, and even though she has it under control, it takes up space in my brain.

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Holly »

ChristyB wrote:plyed for me too
It played for me--but was all jerky and slow sounding, and statically as well. Not good!

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Maree »

Kids are still home on holidays. Back to school mid next week though.
Getting uniforms, bags, pencils etc ready
Cleaned out the bomb-space that is ds bedroom on Monday. Still haven't got to dd's room yet.
Mum's 70th coming up
Going away for a Triage course - of course the same day and day after mum's 70th :roll:
Can't get near my scrapping desk
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Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by jfugina »

I'm here! I'm here! You want my excuses? 8-)

1. I do a lot of checking in from work. I know I shouldn't but that's that. When I need to get my mind away from a design/code problem, this is my "smoke break". And my PC at work has been experiencing major problems that I'm certain are all hardware related. I gave up on posting because my machine would reboot mid-post. :angry42: About an hour ago, I got a brand new PC. But that means I lost about 3 days of productivity at work, and will be in high gear trying to meet a Friday deadline. So you won't get much from me over the next two days either.

2. SWAPS! Oh, lordy - I did it again. I overcommitted. I only committed to three, but they've taken me quite a while to do, and they're still not ready to hit the mail. I completely ran out of time to do Luly's grunge swaps, and I'm very sad about that. :(

3. Kid stuff - 'tis the week for meetings after meetings after meetings. Anyone want some Girl Scout cookies? LOL.

4. New TV - I don't watch much TV, but we've been recording a whole lot of stuff lately. Battlestar Galactica started up on Friday, and we've been Netflixing 30 Rock. Lost starts tonight.

5. Jessica Sprague class - it started Monday, and I've done little more than read the daily e-mails. So when I get my next spare hour or two - I need to get caught up on my class work!

Anyway, I noticed the quiet also, but I think it's just a phase. After we all get our swaps sent in, we'll be chatting away.
Julie Fugina
#26 in the order of the PAO
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Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by tlscrap »

Jen that sounds painful, hope you feel better soon... :)

Ruth Ann, the site looks FABULOUSSO!!! Music does sound staticky though, that happened to me, I had to take it out and reload it in again, then it was fine.

I've been sick with sinus problems, allergies, and now my asthma is kicking in, I thought I could go without my meds, (I hate meds!!) so I went off them about 4 months ago. I have allergy induced asthma... ugh.... so my son got rats a few weeks ago, and I've been paying for it ever since... .double ugh... got the doc to prescribe the Xopanex again, worked for a few days, now I feel like a fish out of water... docs couldn't get me in til tomorrow... "go to the er if it gets bad" NO WAY! and pay those charges! My husband is already yelling at me telling me to go, but I'm going to suffer it out til tomorrow am.......rather pay my co-pay to the doc then 20% of an er bill!

Must be that time of year when everyone gets busy, sick, etc... :)
PAO #8
Theresa Lee
Painesville, Ohio

Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Cathy »

My co-worker retired in December and I took on all her work. I'm an accounting manager for a bridal shop - I used to work 1 day a week and a few days at home.
Now I'm going in twice a week and every other Saturday. And working some at home.
It wouldn't be so bad, but my commute is 90 miles one way to get there!

I'm also busy with Mason on the week-ends. My son has shared custody with his x. He has Mason Thurs-Sunday. Since their place was robbed last December he's moved out of there. He's renting a room from a friend, so stays here on the week-ends with the baby because there is more room here.

MY DH & I also had a pow wow not to long ago about how much time I spend on the computer - so I've cut back (that's why I'm not moderating anymore either - I just can't spend the time here like I used to).

Seems like when it rains it pours huh?

I make lists now of things that need to get done. My list keeps getting longer! UGH


Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Cathy »

Holly I like what you said about taking space up in the brain. That's exactly what is going on with me. My middle guy started back at Fresno today. I've been on the phone with him most of the day arranging financial payment for books, helping him change his major, etc. My daughter checked out of School early to go to a birthday lunch with a friend - I was supposed to call the School but forgot since I was doing this other stuff. Meanwhile I've got to figure out dinner, get the laundry finished and gas up the car for work tomorrow. TOO much on the brain!
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Re: Where are all the PAOISTS??????

Post by Laurie »

cnedaria wrote:torn ankle ligament, foot in a brace that hurts, grumpy as heck, got things to do, can only stand to lie pathetically in the bed with my foot up on a pillow watching dreadful tv. SOB!

(Not that I'm whining--oh wait, YES I AM!)

Oh Jen, that sounds terrible. I pray for a speedy recovery.
Laurie Bennett #118 on POA
North Carolina
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