Name some gotta have basic tools

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Re: Name some gotta have basic tools

Post by Laurie »

I don't even have some of this stuff....I know now what to put on my list.

Laurie Bennett #118 on POA
North Carolina

Re: Name some gotta have basic tools

Post by Luanne »

I have my huge tool kit sitting next to me and looked at it, thinking what to I use every time I make something. If you've ever seen me craft, you'll know that I carry the most enormous tool kit! I think it weighs 10-15 pounds and all fits into an AMM bag.

Oh...get her an AMM bag to put stuff in. Another idea is to get her the bag, a bone folder, a pen and some pre-scored, but not folder cards and put it in the bag. Attach a list of suggested tools for her to get at her leisure, so she doesn't waster her $$$, as we all have.
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Re: Name some gotta have basic tools

Post by Monica »

I'd say a bone folder, good scissors, good adhesives (liquid and dry), a cork board and piercing tool, a package of mixed color brads, a clear ruler (love my CS one!!), some envelopes, a couple of those decorative paper mat stacks that are photo mat sized (easy for layering on cards and great for quick cards), a pack or 2 of mixed colors of 8.5 X 11 cardstock... and then from there maybe decide whether you want an embellishment side or a stamp side to add to it. (I'm thinking in CS pb terms now! lol!)

Embellishment side: fibers, ribbon, brads, eyelets, flowers, metals... whatever you think would give her a good start of stuff to dabble with. Stickers? Glitter? Glitter glue? Fun flock?

Stamp side: A good basic black pad is always a good choice, along with either a bottle of stamp cleaner or a travel size pack of baby wipes (lanolin free!), and then maybe some $1 stamps sets and an acrylic block. If you have the money to buy an embossing gun, then I'd also get a Versamark pad and clear, gold, and black embossing powders. (I have 5 drawers of embossing powders and these are the ones I always seem to go back to.) Plus, she can explore the fun of watermarking and using chalks with the Versamark pad. :)

Also, if you live near a Michael's or Joann's, or any other store like that, sign her up to receive e-mail coupons so she can splurge on new tools at a sale price. And set up play dates to have her use some of your tools so she can try them to see if she really wants to spend the money for her own. When I first got into stamping, one of my best friends was the enabler and she and I would go shopping and buy different things we both wanted to try, thus splitting the cost while getting to play with new toys. This is also how I collected so many embossing powders... every time she or I bought a new one, we'd share! I can buy the little jars for $.30 each at a local craft store, so it works out quite well.

My $.02 worth...
No. 28 in the Order of PAO
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Re: Name some gotta have basic tools

Post by Maree »

Is it conceited to say get her to sign up here for all the inspiration she can get (plus more). Can we be called tools of the trade (as opposed to just tools :lol: )?

Re: Name some gotta have basic tools

Post by Sharonv »

Hi, if you are looking to keep things to a min, and not an expensive gift then I would suggest

dots of what ever kind just to raise stamped images etc
Versamark ink, if she is going to think about embossing
A very good black ink
and the most important a paper cutter, to cut her cardstock
Also even some watercolour crayons or pencils to colour her stamped images.
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