Milestones/kit Spoilers is up


Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by janetmojo »

Hey everyone (first post here) but I felt bad posting anything negative towards CS on the new site so I decided to pop in and do it here instead ;) Ok I know that sounds bad. I really have been underwhelemed the last few months from CS. There have been a lot of modern-ish designs and the colors have been sort of blah to me as have the themes. I had previously cut back on kits and I even went online today and dropped Jr for awhile too. I never considering myself a "cutesy" person at ALL, but the last few months have just been sort of boring to me? I went back and looked and I have only really liked 5 of the 12 kits this year which is very unusual for me. Not sure if they are going another direction or what. After saying all this I'm probably use the kit up and need more ;) But I don't know I was just sort of bummed when I opened my box and for the first time in a long time with the included goodies (the pen and corners) the kit just didn't seem like as good of a value as it always has been.
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

read on....this seems to be a recurrent theme.....

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by janetmojo »

Yeah I just read up on some of the other posts, I sort of feel like I have been a little out of it with the new boards, I don't hate them or anything-just felt bad posting negative CS stuff on there. Maybe if the general feelings out there match mine they will get the hint?

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Hasmom99 »

You bring up an interesting point. On Club Scrap Chat, although it was a CS sponsored board, it was not part of their official site and I think people felt comfortable being honest. I don't mean bashing CS but being clear when they did or did not like something. The variety of opinions was acknowledged and respected. Now, with the way the new site was handled, I don't think folks feel comfortable posting anything negative. So, unless CSHQ comes here to see opinions, they are not getting any constructive feedback anymore. It is a shame because so many of us seem to be getting turned off to CS - not just to the style of kits, but the value and (at least in my case) the attitude on the new site (i.e. like it or leave it, but only post the most positive opinions). I think this is dangerous for CS, as they have always been known for great customer service and respecting the opinions of their members. In these economic times especially, too many negatives will result in people dropping their memberships. I am teetering there now, more because of what I perceive as a lack of interest caring about so many people being frustrated with the new site. My opinion is they seem so sunk in to their new site and their long time loyal followers that they are not paying attention to the rest of the customers. Okay, off my :angry37:
Ruth Ann

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Ruth Ann »

As a LONG time CS member - 9/01 was my first kit! - charter member of Jr and Stamp - I'm also feeling very frustrated. For a while I was getting all three kits with double paper, POPs, swatch sheets, . . . . You get the picture. This was before Hearty Appetite. Stamp went first because there was a spell where I really didn't like the projects. Then I started dropping the extras including double paper. So I just get Club Scrap with POPs and JR. I'm now at the point of reconsidering everything yet again. My PB is here so I can say this based upon first hand inspection rather than spoiler photos. (There really is a difference between what is visualized in a spoiler photo and what actually is in a PB.) I like Milestones much more than I thought I would based upone the spoilers. BUT - and it's a BIG but here! - I looked at my PB and my invoice and was sick. With the increased shipping costs I'm paying almost $50 for the basic kit and one POP and my PB is practically empty! I get the embellishment side and have to agree with everyone who has said that it's skimpy. It's not just skimpy, it's VERY skimpy! I do agree with Neith in that I prefer the text weight paper to the colored transluscent papers we used to get, but I believe CS made a huge error in timing. If the price had increased when the kits felt "heartier" I wouldn't have minded so much, but having the price increase coincide with skimpier kits wasn't a smart move. On top of that, I haven't been loving the most recent kits very much - with the exception of Cyprus. The designs have moved away from my taste for the most part and the paper is feeling more like "regular" paper instead of the luscious CS papers of past years. The embellishment kit seems much less than it was just a couple of months ago. I'm seriously considering dropping to just JR and move my POP to JR. Then if I like the spoilers from the first of the month I can add a kit to be shipped with my JR kit for just $2 shipping.

Ruth Ann
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Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by pbp908 »

I have to agree with every thing that's being said here. It seems like the entire attitude changed with the new site. I really haven't been liking the designs or the paper quality - it just seems to me the company has gone stale. I have more than enough to use for the next 15 years, so I'm not buying any more for now. Besides, I like shopping other places, too, and I can't see buying kits that I'm just not going to use. I do like to stay up with the trends and try new products, and they're just not doing it anymore.

Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO
Lynn K

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Lynn K »

Any one out there get the emblishment side? Did you have ANY beads? I didn't, I was saddened by this. I would agree, each kit gets smaller and smaller, I don't have a problem with price increases but don't cut my contents also. It is like they get you hooked on it, then change it to a pay item. So now if I want beads I guess they expect me to buy the cup of beads? and the card to put ribbon on. It is sad. It feels like an end of an era. :(
Judi in IL

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Judi in IL »

Yes, the 'bead box' is full of square brads just like the ones I bought at 'Paper Wishes' for a lot less $. There are also 3 charms. Not worth the $
Last month I looked at the invoice for my jr kit, looked at the little bit of stuff in the box and cancelled. I agree that this is very poor timing on their part. If the new site had been the success they had been promised it would be, people might have accepted the other changes with less complaint, but I find it interesting that there is NO discussion of this on the new site. I guess they have indeed succeeded in intimidating the more vocal members. Of course, I guess we are mostly over here. :)

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Hasmom99 »

I agree. Like Ruth Ann, I am a long time member. I started in spring of 2003 took off 2006 and part of 2007 (but bought a number of kits or partial kits from the time I was not here) and I agree that lately, the quality and quantity seem diminished. Sadly, it does seem like it coincided with the forum change so there are too many downgrades at once. I may have said this already, but I think I will change to Jr paper only and POPs for awhile until 1. things get better, 2. I use up some of my stash and/or 3. I just give it up entirely. I hope CSHQ begins to pay attention to their customer base.

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Yoli »

I echo some of the same sentiments already expressed on this thread. This morning I called CS to drop my membership from Sr to Jr. I've been complaining for awhile that I have way too much paper anyways. However, it was the lack of enthusiams for the last few releases that made it easy to switch. The next few releases will dictate whether or not I remain a member. Ending my membership is probably not a bad thing for, like Pam, I currently have enough paper to last me for YEARS! But I tell you . . . I would miss the monthly 'fix' I seem to derive from these kits.
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Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Monica »

It's funny you all should be talking about this right now, as I jsut canceled my Stamp kit, and am considering canceling Sr as well. I canceled Jr last month, so that would leave me as a non-member for awhile. It may be the better choice for me thgh.... I agree about the lack of quality compared with past kits, the timing of it all, and that they may be getting a bit stale. It's a shame, really, as I think they have dome some out of this world kits in the past. Oh well.... maybe I'll finally use up some of my stash!!

No. 28 in the Order of PAO
Chief Bearer of the Torch and Admin

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Hasmom99 »

I just switched to Junior paper only plus POPs - I figure I can make a few LOs with POPs for mats and still get the B&B sheets - and GHM if I see anything I really like. But I have to say that even in canceling Senior and changing to Jr. paper, it took many more steps then the way the old site worked. So very, very frustrating! I have a big collection of paper and of POPs so I should still be able to participate in any swaps (which I have been doing more than scrapping lately). It does seem like the end of an era. I was honest in the comments section when canceling. I felt they should know why I canceled Senior since they asked. I better get to sleep. :yawn:

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by Cathy »

Lynn, I was just on the CS Community site doing the EXACT same thing you did. Cancelling my senior kit, changing to the Junior kit; and still receive the POPS.
I was set to do it; then I got scared that I would get this months junior kit and I don't want it since I've already got the senior kit. SO I thought I would wait until after the 15th to make the switch.
This thread is exactly what CS needs to see and take to heart. IT's very unfortunate that we all are so insignificant now when I really felt like they listened to us before. I just don't understand all the changes. I don't wish them ill-will at all - I just wish them luck because I don't see any of this going in a positive direction for them.

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by n8tvtexan »

I signed up in 2004. My first kit was To You With Love. I still love that kit! I cancelled due to financial issues in 2007. I came back in 2008. There are some kits I would still like to own. Others I can live without. As far as this one goes.........hhhmmmmm I'll have to wait & see once my kit arrives here. I upgraded to Hearty Appetite when we moved simply because supplies are hard to find here and things are expensive. I considered downgrading when they increased the price. Since I plan to make papercrafts to sell at next November's Craft Fair, I decided to continue to get HA. I thought if I dont like it, I can make something with the kit & sell it to someone who will. However, it all boils down to money now. If I get this month's kit and dont think its worth my money, I will have to downgrade or cancel. Think how much online shopping I can do for $140/month!

Re: Milestones/kit Spoilers is up

Post by janetmojo »

Ruth Ann wrote: I looked at my PB and my invoice and was sick. With the increased shipping costs I'm paying almost $50 for the basic kit and one POP and my PB is practically empty! I get the embellishment side and have to agree with everyone who has said that it's skimpy. It's not just skimpy, it's VERY skimpy!
Ruth Ann
Ooooo this is exactly my thoughts although I do also get the UM B&B so my invoice was $63 for what I got and I was sort of distressed. I know shipping eats up a huge amount which is not their fault. What someone said to me the other day that makes total sense is that is almost seems like they are catering more to the digi girls, it seems less tactile, less texture, less "stuff". I know they can make more money on the digital side and it's a heck of a lot easier but it just seems like they are moving away from their "roots". Of course no offense to folks using digital I'm just not one of them (no PC at home by choice.) I guess if nothing else I'm glad I came over here to find I wasn't alone and hopefuly someone from CS is spying over here a little too. I did fill out the form when I dropped JR online yesterday as to why I was dropping the kit.
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