New Year's Scrap Resolutions?


New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by carriemck »

Anyone making any New Year's Scrap Resolutions this year? Actually, I prefer to call them "New Year's Intentions". I tend to do better with that :-)

Mine is:

I intend to not buy any new supplies (excluding adhesive) until I have used up at least half of the stash in my basement.
Seriously folks, I could open a Milwaukee branch of CSHQ and a small Michael's as well with the stuff I have here. That is one of the reasons I quit CS; I have SOOOO much stuff. So I thought I would set this intention, which will force me to be creative with what I have and also save me some $$, which frankly, I really need to do.

Anyone else have any to share? We could actually keep each other "on the straight & narrow" by sharing, LOL!

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by ChristyB »

I so could never stick to the not buying anything. Good luck.

I plan on trying something new at least once a month. Figure it should be pretty easy to keep
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Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Laurie »

I liked that idea of the 365. I would like to try that and to do it using the digital scrapbooking.
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Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by pamcook »

Minimum of 5 layouts a month.
No new hobbies unless I'm meeting this minimum.
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Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by pugmom »

My plan is to get three pizza boxes full of finished 12x12 pages into albums, finish a few projects that were started, but, somehow, never got completed, and ALSB a ton of pages to use for the big box of pictures I found while cleaning my scrap room. That should keep me busy for a while.
Sue in NC (formerly known as Sue in Colorado)
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Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Paula »

My resolution is to go through all of my albums, and make sure the journaling is finished, and that they are in order by date. I always use the 3 D ring books, so re-sorting will not be so difficult. But I do know that there are pages that have the journaling tag in place, but no journaling :tomato: I guess I could say I used disapearing ink? :oops:

Judi in IL

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Judi in IL »

I have so much beautiful non-CS paper that I hardly touched last year due to the PSLs-couldn't use non-CS. My 'intention' (love that concept) is to ALS a bunch of that paper as well as some more of my old CS paper and get pictures put on them. I have hardly scrapped since Summer Camp (except for the pages I made for my mom for Christmas). I really got burned out and then bummed out. I really want to get back into the swing in the new year.

I also want to take the Jessica Sprague digi class and learn some digi. I like the 365 idea and really like the idea of doing it digi.
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Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by pbp908 »

I'm going to try to finish at least one project a week - whether that's a swap, an honest to goodness "project" like a handmade album, or scrapping one event - I'm going to try my best. There's too much stuff in here for me to have any excuses.

Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Cathy »

I too am going to do something crafty at least once a week once the New Year gets here. I know that December has kind of knocked the wind out of my crafting sails - but I plan to step it up once the Holidays are over. Once again the PB boxes are stacked up very high...........
Today I am going to scrap some Old World Christmas though - and hope to be sharing later.


Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by donnak »

I'm going to do my 365 pages in one year challenge again - it really has motivated me for a couple of years now (PSL helped alot to get this done), but I'm also going to be working on at least one project per week for the Christmas Craft Sale next year - they can't be too involved so I can let them go!

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by LadyJaine »

carriemck wrote:Anyone making any New Year's Scrap Resolutions this year? Actually, I prefer to call them "New Year's Intentions". I tend to do better with that :-)

Mine is:

I intend to not buy any new supplies (excluding adhesive) until I have used up at least half of the stash in my basement.
Seriously folks, I could open a Milwaukee branch of CSHQ and a small Michael's as well with the stuff I have here. That is one of the reasons I quit CS; I have SOOOO much stuff. So I thought I would set this intention, which will force me to be creative with what I have and also save me some $$, which frankly, I really need to do.

Anyone else have any to share? We could actually keep each other "on the straight & narrow" by sharing, LOL!
Based on how much paper you have, this could be an easy or impossible goal. One year for half of a stash only makes sense if you know how many pages you scrap in a year and how much of your stash that will probably use up.

According to an inch of cardstock is about 50 finished pages and an inch of patterned paper is about 75 finished pages.

I measured my stash and I've got enough paper to complete about 500 pages. That doesn't include my 8.5 x11 paper.

I've been scrapping for two years and have filled/finished 18 albums and 6 minibooks (more or less). That's about 650 pages, or 325 pages per year. In one year of working, I should be able to use up half of my stash.
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Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by Paula »

Oh my, tooo much math for me :oops: :oops:

Let me look, do I have enough paper------NAH :tomato: :tomato: My motto is--don't measure, just buy :enabler: :enabler:


Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by tichwoli »

I am already doing a digi layout a day for December and I will try to translate that into one a day for the whole of 2009. Also I would love to make sure that I get paper and tools hands on time every day - right now I have almost no time for anything. So a little something a day would be wonderful.

Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by jam1375 »

I would like to do something craft-related each week. For January, that may just be working on getting my craft area organized and out of boxes. Since I am very rarely able to craft when surrounded by boxes (it doesn't have to be perfectly neat, just not stacked with boxes) I won't get much actual work done unless I get it unpacked and put away. I'd also like my "stretch" goal to be to complete one project each month. The projects will vary - sometime it will be just getting a set of old pictures onto ALSB layouts, sometimes it might be to complete a mini album of some sort.
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Re: New Year's Scrap Resolutions?

Post by jfugina »

Hmm.. an "every day" goal is way to intense for me. LOL. However, I do have some weekly goals.

1. Two paper scrap pages per week (one DLO or two singles)
1. One "project" per week - when the Club Stamp box get here, that should be the GTG.. I have way too many of those piled up. I also have a ton of other project from Sr. kits and I have complete kits ready to ALSB. This could also be a swap.
1. One digi layout per week

Other goals (resolution is way too strong of a word for these items):
-try not to commit to more than 3-4 swaps per month, to avoid potential stress and burn-out (as tempting as they may be)
-start on a swap within a week of signing up
-participate in more challenges and try new things
-finish "Jake's first year" baby book before he turns 3.
Julie Fugina
#26 in the order of the PAO
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