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Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:29 pm
by jfugina
I was never told as a teenager, or even as a 20-something that anything was wrong with my wisdom teeth and they needed to come out. The first time anyone ever mentioned anything about them I was well into my 40s, when my dentist said something about "deep pockets" and suggested they come out. Apparently I only have lower ones. Or they pulled upper teeth as a kid and I had room for those to come through - I don't know.

So years ago I saw a surgeon and he asked if they were bothering me, and I said no. I was there on the dentist's suggestion. And he proceeded to explain how dreadfully positioned they were and how he couldn't get them out without breaking my jaw and most likely doing permanent nerve damage. I couldn't run out of that appointment quickly enough. So for the next 5 years or so, I got to listed to the semi-annual reminder about how those teeth really should come out. But at my most recent cleaning, the dentist said "it's time". Apparently, even though it's not really bothering me, those "deep pockets" have turned into gum disease and one of those teeth is decaying. So I get another referral, and go in for a consult last week. This guy also had zero interest in working on my teeth. He said it would be complicated and risky and ugly and basically he didn't want to do it. He told me it was my choice. WTF? As if I'm supposed to understand how to make a choice between letting my tooth rot all of my gums and jaw and nearby teeth away, or getting surgery from a guy who has pre-determined that it's going to be awful. He scheduled me for a coronectomy on Thursday.

But... I don't settle. I called my dentist back and told him how incredibly uncomfortable I was about having to make this call myself. The dentist said it's not a choice, it has to come out. So he referred me to someone else, who I saw today. This guy gave me the same schpiel about how difficult this would be, and how there are so many risks, etc. But he doesn't even believe a coronectomy is possible at the given angle and thinks he can get the whole tooth out. By the way, the root goes all the way through my lower jaw, so getting the whole tooth out most likely means a broken jaw. But at least he agreed that leaving the tooth as-is is not an option, and he's willing to take on the treatment.

So I'm cancelling the Thursday surgery, and I'm going to proceed with this second guy. I'm sure I'll be out for a while, because I'm told the recovery for this is just not going to be easy. I'm hoping to feel functional within a couple of weeks, but also was warned that this recovery could take even longer. I'll update this thread when I know exactly when the reschedule date is. I just don't want anyone to think I've wandered off again when I only just got back. :-)

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:38 pm
by pamcook
Oh Julie. What a dreadful thing to even have to consider. Keep us updated. Make some ice packs and stock up on smoothie ingredients.
I’ll be praying! :happy94:

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:47 pm
by jfugina
Thank you Pam. I'll definitely be in need of some good healing juju! I'm definitely planning to put Rob to work in the soft foods department. ;-)

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:48 pm
by Monica
Just reading all that makes me cringe. :happy94: Definitely sending you positive thoughts and healing vibes!

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:55 pm
by Debbie AZ
Cringe is being generous! Yikeys, best of luck to you Julie!

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:37 pm
by pbp908

I've found that alcohol helps. Just saying ....

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:38 pm
by Trixie
Tea bags will be your friend. Wet them down and stick them in the freezer for a while. They do not need to be frozen, just cold. They will feel so good on your gums and the tannic acid in the bag helps stop bleeding. I am sorry you are having to go thru this. What the heck is wrong with those doctors?

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:53 am
by jfugina
Thanks everyone! Judy - I had heard about the teabag thing when Nicole was getting all four of hers out a couple years ago. She doesn't like the taste of tea at all, but we were really struggling to get the bleeding to stop, and I think that really helped. Fortunately I like tea, so I do plan to have several frozen tea bags ready to go.

And Pam - I've got almost 100 bottles of pandemic wine that I just made. If I need some of that to supplement my pain management plan, I've got plenty! :-)

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:46 am
by Keitha
Julie, that sounds awful. Sending positive thoughts your way that everything goes well.

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:36 am
by paddlegal
Oh Julie, Julie, Julie! I am so sorry you have to go through this. Sending hugs of quick healing and recovery.

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:17 pm
by nchoney
My dentist didn't want to pull mine because there was a zigzag in one of the roots. Went to his suggested oral surgeon and was super happy with the outcome. So I'm going to send you good thoughts that all will go well!!

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:13 am
by jfugina
nchoney wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:17 pm My dentist didn't want to pull mine because there was a zigzag in one of the roots. Went to his suggested oral surgeon and was super happy with the outcome. So I'm going to send you good thoughts that all will go well!!
Zigzag roots! I've never heard of that before. I'm so glad you had a good outcome. I'm just kind of preparing for the worst, and if it goes well, it will be a pleasant surprise. I'm expecting the second surgeon to review the imagery today and give me a call back to talk about next steps. Aside from roots all the way through the jaw, the other main concern is that this tooth totally intersects the main nerve that runs through the lower jaw. So damage to that nerve is a real risk, and could result in numbness that could be permanent. But I'm hoping that this guy is just super skilled and can minimize the issues as best he can. Whereas the first guy just seemed to throw his hands up and wasn't even going to try to be careful (he didn't say that exactly, but he was definitely giving off that vibe).

Hopefully I'll have some idea of next steps by the end of the week.

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 1:20 pm
by pat-czap
I was someone who walked the few blocks to the dentist office back in the day. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled at once, and no issues at all. Back home I went. Maybe some aspirin or Tylenol, did they have that back then? Any forward to today. Karma caught up to me a bit with oral and dental issues.

The dentist office is not my first choice of places to spend a few hours. I've had great dentists through the years, but I have TMJ, and had a few crowns over the years, and my small mouth opening doesn't help.

Julie, when I read your post I simply went OMG. I wish you all the best in your upcoming treatment, with NO nerve or jaw damage. May you walk out of the office and be ready to go out and about SOON afterwards. I am sending you all the good vibes and healing thoughts I can manage. Take care my friend, and smooth sailing to you dental wise.

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:41 pm
by gwendols
Oh wow. Sending lots of positive juju your way. I need to schedule an implant that got bumped last year. So not looking forward to that.

Re: Getting old sucks - wisdom tooth edition

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 5:52 pm
by jfugina
Pat - this will absolutely be done under general anesthesia - I honestly don't even anticipate walking back out to the car after, much less several blocks! I'm sorry about your ongoing dental issues. I have a tiny mouth opening as well (in stark contrast to my figurative "big mouth"). I'm kind of disappointed that I never got a call back last week to discuss next steps. I guess the guy is busy, but I'm losing time. If I don't have this done by about 2 weeks from now, it will have to wait until September or October, which is totally not ideal because all of the band stuff will start back up by then.

Gwen - thanks for the positive juju - I need it!