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6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 8:20 pm
by jfugina
Since this week is going to be busy, I'm going to break the rules and post ahead by a couple of days. I have to say I was dreading this particular sketch, and for some reason I can't fathom, I printed TWO photos to use with this sketch, which meant I somehow had planned to do it twice (what was I thinking???). These two pages took HOURS to do. Figuring out how to order the sizes and prints so that two prints didn't wind up adjacent took a LONG time, and then there was all of the arrow point and tail cutting. Does anyone have a trick for that? Snip snip.. flip.. snip snip... repeat 17 more times. :angry48:

Anyway, I really like the driver permit one, because I like that Park Drive collection, and it had word/quote stickers that just worked so well. The other photo threw me. It's a Christmastime sort of thing, but I only have one 6x6 holiday pad, and the colors were totally not right. So I used a Webster's Pages collection (Everyday Poetry) that I've got entirely too much of thanks to a series of warehouse boxes way back. It's OK, but I wish I'd have had more suitable papers. The only thing I'm really irritated with myself about, is that these two photos were only a month apart, and this sketch will be in the same album only a few pages from each other. I try to space my sketch reuse out better than that.
PermitDriver.jpg (99.78 KiB) Viewed 395 times
xmasJammies.jpg (105.96 KiB) Viewed 395 times

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 9:28 pm
by pamcook
Both turned out really well but I get what you mean about how tedious! I know you can use a hexagon punch but I swear it would take me longer than to just cut them with scissors. I’ve used the hexagon punch to cut banners and never quite got the hang of how to cut them evenly.

Right now I’m planning to use one of the modified sketches when they’re up. Maybe.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:58 pm
by jfugina
Thanks Pam. I’m interested to see the variations on this sketch too. And if she posts any tips about cutting those stupid banners more quickly, I’ll be watching with interest.

I’m glad I’m doing this class and trying each of these sketches at least once, but these sketches won’t be among my go-tos.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 7:10 am
by pbp908
I'm not wild about this but I think it turned out OK. What I really really wanted to do was pull out my brick stencil and create a background that would have ultimately ended up covered by all of the :censor: strips.

Glad I'm not the only one who's not very happy with these sketches. At least with one of the sketchesHope numbered 19 (my last two are #19??? wth?) we're given the option to use a full 6x6 instead of cutting the starburst. Guess what I'm doing??? :lol:

Hopefully we're get some good photos today at 50s day so I'll be able to go ahead and knock the last few out. If Bobby and Pat hadn't been taking tons of photos of Macie I would have been up the proverbial creek.

In case you can't read the journaling: Be yourself. If you can't be yourself be a mermaid. If you can't be a mermaid then definitely be a butterfly.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 7:58 am
by jmp1022
A surprise birthday in Outer Banks during
17-web.jpg (27.15 KiB) Viewed 383 times

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 8:21 am
by jmp1022
Really cute pages ladies!!

I have a punch that can cut each end.
It's from StampinUp.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 9:23 am
by pamcook
Pam, have you liked any of the variations more than the main sketch? I often find some I like much better and would have chosen to highlight if, you know, this was my class. ;) your page is beautiful. Did you consider using the brick stencil to peek out of a couple of areas behind the banners? I rarely think to stamp or stencil before I start piling on all the other stuff.

Jill - your smile in that photo is the star of your page!

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 11:41 am
by jfugina
Pam-your monochromatic color scheme is gorgeous. I love it.

Jill- I agree that the photo is the star, but your colors and background choices also are fabulous.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:09 pm
by pbp908
I've found a few variations that I like better, but not many. I've much preferred the variations that I made to them using elements of the sketch for inspiration. It finally dawned on me to do that and I wish I had with this LO. As for the bricks peeking out, I thought about that AFTER I finished the LO. Lot of good that did. :roll:

I think that these sketches are way too busy - 6 patterned papers??? I could do that in layers but not individually highlighted. And I'm not a fan of small photos. I'll be flipping next week's LO and using 4x6 photos.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:14 pm
by pbp908
Julie - I love the fall colors on your first LO. IMO, I think the papers you selected for the 2nd LO are perfect for the mood of the photo - homey and cozy.

Jill - Great job! You couldn't have found a better place or time to celebrate your birthday if you'd chosen it - beautiful place, great friends, relaxing and doing something you love.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:28 pm
by jfugina
I'd offer one tip to anyone playing along (I'm no Allison, but I think this could help a lot) - for this layout, a ruler is your FRIEND. I don't usually use a ruler, because I have a decent enough eye for spacing and getting stuff lined up. Not on this sketch. I noticed that as I started laying stuff out just to get the ordering of pattern right, I noticed that my strips started gradually getting off-level. Another reason this took so long was that I actually wound up drawing faint grid lines in about a 4x9 area that would mostly be covered. I then started gluing down with the center-most strip and working up and down from there, using the horizontal pencil lines for reference. Obviously I erased the ones that still peeked out.

You would think that setting horizontal strips on top of each other that they'd all stay level, but I learned a while back that I've never owned a paper cutter that was perfect, and I don't always get cuts that are perfectly square or parallel. Having a few reference points to line up with on this sketch really helped.

I doubt I'll ever do this one again, though when it was done, I really did like the look. I just need a punch like Jill has. I have a hex punch, but that only gets the tail end. The other option is to make the banners with a cricut, but that almost seems like it might be just as painful.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 7:51 am
by pbp908
I have to use a ruler with ALL of these dratted sketches! If I never cut another flag again I'll be one happy camper.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:10 am
by Monica
For such a time-consuming layout, you ladies all rocked it! There's no way I would want to do something with that many flags. I'd be tempted to just make it paper strips and call it good.

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 1:24 pm
by pbp908
Monica wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:10 am For such a time-consuming layout, you ladies all rocked it! There's no way I would want to do something with that many flags. I'd be tempted to just make it paper strips and call it good.
And that's exactly what I'm doing for #18! I absolutely refuse to cut any more flags or banners or whatever. :twisted:

Re: 6x6 Week #17 Layouts

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:05 pm
by jfugina
I have a crap-ton of fancy edge scissors, and I'm thinking I might lay those strips down along a cross-strip (so that they stay together), and give it an edge treatment all down both sides. I like sketch 18 because it uses more photos and they aren't all tiny. But like the rest of you, I need an option that does not involve snipping any more banners.