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Two today

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 3:56 pm
by pamcook
I didn’t go to the pool because we were supposed to get rain from the tropical storm. So far, we’ve only gotten the oppressive humidity. But, I did get a couple of pages done and some photos printed.
This one WAS SCRAPLIFTED FROM A PAGE DONE BY ESSIE FOR LOTTIE LOVES PAPER. I am not claiming this was an original design. (Yeah, I’m stilled annoyed about that whole ordeal…).
831A36F6-3CF3-41F7-9C98-CC4F34326A5C.jpeg (179.56 KiB) Viewed 82 times
This one is lifted from Debbie Tehrani. I adore her scrapbooking style.
41EB338E-69C4-4E6B-80A7-49C73D3871E9.jpeg (192.03 KiB) Viewed 82 times
Both are on white paper. I have yet to learn how to photograph white paper.

Re: Two today

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 6:37 pm
by Monica
What sweet pages, Pam! I'm not really good at photographing any of my layouts, but so long as you try I figure that's the important part, right? ;) As for the credit and scraplifting, so long as you aren't claiming someone else's original as yours that should be sufficient, IMO. I do credit whoever a sketch comes from when I share one (if possible, some of mine are too old!) but I think it can go too far the opposite direction as well.

Re: Two today

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:12 pm
by pugmom
I'm not familiar with the scraplifting ordeal that you referred to, but I love these pages and will probably copy both of them in the future.

Re: Two today

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 6:40 pm
by jmp1022
Those are so cute. I love the shoe one like he's checking them over.
:sleep: with the puppy.