Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

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Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by paddlegal »

Good morning! I hate loosing an hour of precious sleep but I love the long days of light. Gives me more time to bird. :lol:

How are you all coping with the time change?

And where IS everyone? I know I wasn't around yesterday due to the glorious sunshine and a good long walk for some Vitamin D.
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by pat-czap »

I'm here. It's chilly out today, but the sun is out in full force. It is supposed to snow tonight/tomorrow.

Doing a bit of crafting today, hanging out at home.

I got up at usual time, give or take, but then it was an hour later already. I like the longer daylight's good for mental health I'm sure. ;)
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by pbp908 »

Got up to snow this morning. It's all gone now, but I did manage a few photos.

I hate DST. I have to go to work in the dark and can't go to sleep at night. It confuses my body and my circadian rhythm.
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by paddlegal »

I'm going to feel it tonight when I want to go to sleep at 11. Being a night owl, this will goof me up for sure. But sunrise tomorrow will be around 7:20 which means I can sleep in and still beat it to my bird spot for early photos.
FARLEY in Sacramento

Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by ScrappinJen »

Curious, Farley, do you do anything with your bird photos? Post them to bird sites or.....?

I've been doing a lot of photo editing lately and I'm beginning to wonder why I take so darned many photos. It's starting to overwhelm me. There is obviously no fricking way I'm ever going to scrapbook all of them. So what, do they just sit on my hard drives???? I used to print them and give some of them to the subjects. HA! Nobody wants hard copies of photos anymore. They all use their devices to show photos to others. Just thinking out loud here.

I spent yesterday on the bike. About to eat lunch now and then head out for a walk in the sunshine. Our heads are ALL MESSED UP from the time change. But we will eventually adapt. Like we do every time.
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by paddlegal »

I know what you're saying. Same here. I occasionally post my bird photos on "California Birding" on FB and a few other obscure places. Have not taken a lot of them lately. My best photography is Digi-scoping and that requires the bird to be still. Waterbirds, unless sleeping, are tough and my usual songbird areas are still under water.

Waterbird Survey ends this week and I'm now doing a Raptor Survey through September. Same problem unless they're perched. But then we are driving the majority of the time so that makes photographing tough. I just finished docent training with the Sacramento Regional Waste Water Treatment Facility (yeah the sewage plant :lol: ) to assist in the monthly tours on the Bufferlands. But the majority of it is also under water! Hoping at some point to get some good photos while out there.

Bob and I are going to take advantage of the daylight and take a walk late this afternoon up to Garcia Bend again. Went yesterday and I think the whole of The Pocket (my neighborhood) was up there! It got quite hot. Love it.
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by nchoney »

I went down to my friend, Helen's, house yesterday.... had intentions of doing a ton of scrapbooking, but I also took those little cutaparts that I got from the Evalicious sale and did a bunch of cutting.... and then it was already 4:30 (we didn't get together until lunchtime) ... anyway.... I now have a bunch of little tags, etc.... and I did 2 layouts yesterday....

I was lazy today.... did laundry, though.... and then did another 4 layouts, I think... I'll photograph them and post them in a little while. They're all of Chevie... playing catchup on the photos of her. :-)
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by pamcook »

Ugh. Cleaning and purging continues.
I hate these stupid time changes. They're completely unnecessary.
My goal was to make Easter cards for my grandbabies but didn't even come up with an idea. I'm so upset over a work situation and letting it disrupt my life. My goal this week is to put that all in perspective and let it go. I can let it go and still keep up my guard. That's the plan.
Maybe I'll get those Easter cards started tomorrow evening.
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by mpizzazz »

I think Daylight Saving Time is totally unnecessary. There may have been good reasons for it in the past but I don't see the point now. It's the same amount of daylight and darkness so just let it be! We would all be a lot better off if we were more in tune with nature.

Good thing I never put the snow shovels away until April. Looks like we are going to need them and all the poor flowering trees and daffodils will turn to mush.
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by jmp1022 »

I slept too late
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by paddlegal »

mpizzazz wrote:I think Daylight Saving Time is totally unnecessary. There may have been good reasons for it in the past but I don't see the point now. It's the same amount of daylight and darkness so just let it be! We would all be a lot better off if we were more in tune with nature.

Good thing I never put the snow shovels away until April. Looks like we are going to need them and all the poor flowering trees and daffodils will turn to mush.

I saw on the news that the East is going to get dumped on again. So sorry!
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by clamscrapper »

Yesterday hubby and I went to watch the two oldest complete in the NJROTC competition. That was fun to see them doing the things they enjoy. We were outside all day and it was cold and windy. Before the day was over I got to spend time with all five grandchildren, not at the same time. That's rare so I enjoy the time with them when I can.

The lack of sleep Friday night and the time change last night made me a couch potato today, even got in a nap. Of course the snow this morning gave me a good excuse. It was in and out of here pretty quick but was pretty coming down. The time change usually messes me up for a few days. I do enjoy the longer time of daylight in the evenings in the warmer months.
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by Keitha »

We were talking about Daylight Saving Time at a family dinner on Saturday; its first widespread use was during WWI to conserve energy for the war effort. At that time, in the US it was known as "War Time" and was in effect year-round. I actually enjoy the longer daylight hours at the end of the day, and in the summer sunrise is early enough even with the change to suit me, an early riser. I'm surprised to hear that many people struggle with the change; it typically doesn't bother me. But then I try to keep my wake-up times in sync with my circadian rhythm which makes getting up easier. Sunrise up here is approx. 10 minutes later than where you are, Farley.
A busy weekend for me with virtually no creative time at all. Friday night drive home partly in white-out conditions, hair appointment and a family dinner out of town on Saturday, laundry, errands, and a return to North Bay on Sunday, although with a nice visit to friends en route. I didn't even watch any videos, although did hear a couple of podcasts while driving.
I have brought even more art supplies with me to North Bay, and will look forward to a weekend of play coming up - especially if it stays as cold as it is now, -22C/-8F this morning.
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by jfugina »

I totally agree that that DST needs to just go away. The whole time change thing is just a menace.

Yesterday morning we were scheduled for a cookie booth in front of a very popular coffee shop (right across from a WUSTL campus) from 8am-12pm. When I grabbed the slot, I wasn't thinking at all about the time change, and there was NO traffic for the first 90 minutes or so. Then we started to see more people out and about driving on the streets (the shop is at a busy intersection), but no foot traffic. Then, I noticed a sign on the door of the coffee shop indicating that due to WUSTL spring break, they'd be closing early this whole week. Ug. The students are all gone. No wonder there's no people around.

So our booth was a complete bust due to the combination of spring break and the time change. And it was cold (around 40 degrees) and we were all exhausted from losing sleep. Boooo.
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Re: Boo/Yay...Daylight Savings!

Post by Monica »

Saturday for me was doing laundry and other chores, and dealing with the springtime allergies that have suddenly kicked in. :| Sunday was supposed to be finish laundry, do a few other odds and ends, and then go see Jeff Dunham at 3pm for DH's early birthday present. And then our hot water heater died. Well, we certainly didn't waste the tickets, and we went out afterwards for dinner, but I spent last night researching hot water heaters to find one that would fit in our place (1989 manufactured home) that was actually in stock locally. And today I'm trying to find someone to install the damn thing. So, I'm wasting vacation time on my derriere trying to get someone to come out.

Oh, and to top it all off my Explorer has decided it has a hitch in its giddy-up, so I'll be taking that in to get checked out. Annoyingly enough, no check engine light has come on, and the computer's basic diagnostic just tells me I need my oil changed in about 800 miles... which I knew already.... *sigh*

Between Monday and DST I am done with this week already!
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