Ready for Christmas?

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Ready for Christmas?

Post by nchoney »

Presents are wrapped... with ribbons and bows!! All packed and loaded into the car to take to Norfolk, tomorrow. The last of the laundry is washing... then we'll pack the clothes and be ready to head north tomorrow. Mike and Chevie are napping... exhausted from wrapping his gifts to me, apparently... LOL

I've still got the ATC cards that need to be made... I think I've run out of steam, but they'll get done after Christmas... and I'll be much more creative by then. I think the craft fair stuff wore me out. Next year I'll know what to expect and I'll have everything made and packed ahead of time. Then I can focus on my own Christmas things!

How're you all doing??
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by pbp908 »

Everyone has gone back home, Adam's in Charlotte now, there are NO leftovers :-o , and peace reigns again. Even the cats are being good.

We had a wonderful time together. Chris, Adam, Maddie and Julie were here and it was so nice to have almost all of my chicks back in the nest. George even broke his cardinal rule about no presents opened until Christmas day since the kids won't be here then.

And now for the rest of the story.

When I allocated monies for the repairs, the garage for the mowers, and the new furniture, I had also decided to replace my dying camera - the one that traveled with me to reCreates and sat on trash cans so we could get group shots. After I found Apollo, I made the decision that I'd rather have a short wagging tail and a wet nose more than a new camera. It's not like I don't have 2 DSLRs that I can use, but they're heavy and carrying around all of those lenses can be frustrating for shooting on the fly, which was why I preferred to use the Sony for casual photos. I was shocked when he handed me a box to open since we'd said the other things were our presents this year. I was so shocked - He got me the camera I'd been drooling over! His reasoning was that a new puppy was a great reason for having it. Gotta love that man!

We've also had 2 days of sunshine and the water is slowly receding again. The kids said they could almost find the pavement when they ventured out.

Things are looking up in the Burg!

Merry Christmas to all, and may it be filled with sunshine and joy for each of you!

PS - Photos to come next Saturday of our little boy!
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by paddlegal »

Pam your family time and new camera gave me a big smile. Super husband! I can’t wait to see Apolo.

Safe travels Debi!

We NEVER wait until Christmas Eve or Day to open gifts. Since Bob’s daughter and family were with us last Sunday that was the big opening. The grandkids were adorable and their parents were great too. Bob said it was the best Christmas ever! Then we took Charley clothes shopping. He’s got to look good for the law firm where he works, you know? I think he dresses better than the boss, LOL. I do have a few little items that are going under the tree tonight. Maybe they’ll last until tomorrow...maybe.

Scrabble comes out tonight and the official competition between me and Charley begins.

As my British friend says, “Happy Christmas” to you all!
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by pamcook »

Grocery shopping is done. I skipped the baking this year due to our water line woes. I only have two more days left in my 2017 Christmas journal (maybe 10 pictures?) and then I can catch up on 2018. We tried to find matching Christmas pajamas today. I ended up buying pj bottoms to match a pair Joel already has so we can surprise the grandchildren. We bought a desk for my work computer and it has enough space for my papercrafting. :clap: Since I have to work tomorrow, I plan to at least get one scrapbook page done. And now I’m rambling.

Hope you all have the Christmas of your dreams. :happy94:
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by mpizzazz »

Everyone's Christmases sound wonderful with the true spirit of the season.

Since we are busy getting rid of decades of stuff, we are not buying gifts for us this year. I've wrapped the one present I'm giving this year, we do a silly-steal the present-game (I forget the real name of it) with Ray's sister's family. Just 4 of us this year. They arrived Saturday and we've been dining and wining very well since then.

We did hear the roar of the sleigh and the pitter patter of little hooves on the roof this morning at 6:15 but it wasn't Santa and the reindeer. It was the roofer arriving to start our new roof. Hopefully they will finish it Thursday before bad weather could arrive on Friday.
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by katymjo »

We decorated the tree a couple of weeks ago when my sister came up for our "Birthdays " weekend and Christmas-present swap. Now I've got the golden twigs out and the mince pies made so Brian and I are ready. We went out for a country walk this morning while the sun shone.
Hope you all have a fun and festive day. Happy Christmas.
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by pugmom »

I'm ready and kind of anxious to open presents since I am getting some crafty things to play with. I bought everything and just told my husband to wrap it up.

My oldest got here Saturday night, so it will be the four of us celebrating again this year. Dinner tonight is tri-tip roast, baked potatoes, mushrooms in a garlic and brie sauce and glazed balsamic carrots. Tomorrow I will do turkey breast in the crockpot, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry relish and corn casserole. I did some baking last week and also picked up a pumpkin roll and some cheesecake, so we have plenty of desserts.

Kathryn, my mom used to make a mince pie every Christmas when we had the grandparents and great aunts and uncles over (my brother and I were the only kids). I don't think I've had any since I moved out of the house, but it sure brings back good memories.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by mpizzazz »

Oh, mince pie! I've forgotten about it! I usually make one when we have Christmas on our own and we have the Christmas pudding when we are with Ray's family. But the last few years, we've been with them on Christmas day.
We'll have a New Year's Day mince pie.
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by pugmom »

I would make one, but I'm pretty sure I would be the only one eating it.
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by paddlegal »

Happy, Merry Christmas everyone! Katherine my mom made mince pie but my brother and I never cared for it so our parents got the full enjoyment of them. Mom eventually turned to mini fruit cake bonbons and crazy as it sounds, we all inhaled them. They were little, delicious, boozy jewels.

We will open the few presents left a little later today. We are bad and open gifts as soon as they hit the tree, LOL. It’s a very dreary, rainy day (a good thing, rain needed) so we’ll be enjoying cocoa and lattes while playing Scrabble. Menu tonight will be Pesto-Veggie Lasange and wine. I love making this because we’ll have leftovers tomorrow night. It’s just me, Bob and Charley since we did family Christmas last weekend.

I wish you all a safe, joyful and cozy Christmas and know you are all very dear to me.
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by troublesmom »

Merry Christmas to one and all. We are having a very quiet Christmas this year. Staying home, not having anyone. Neither of us felt like traveling. Will miss being with the grands but not the traveling.
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by Debbie J »

My daughter who lives near me is having Christmas with in in-laws since she was here last year, those dratted in laws! So I’m going to my cousin Bobbie’s house tomorrow for Christmas tomorrow and a friend and I are going to the movies this evening and we will have popcorn for dinner! Sounds grand doesn’t it, lol! We are going to see Vice, it’s about Dick Cheney I guess. It wasn’t my turn to pick movies either!

Merry Christmas from sunny, balmy Arizona. Just took Duke for a walk and was 75 degrees and even had to take my jacket off. Beautiful day.
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by Monica »

Finished putting the last decorations on the tree (well, the last I'm putting on it this year) and it's now festive in the library. The turkey is in the oven for supper, dilly bread is rising for the second time, cranberry orange mint relish in the fridge, a couple bottles are chilling on the back porch in 39º temps, hubby made lunch, and we're watching a movie. Tonight we'll be doing the turkey dinner, pared down to what we like best, and tomorrow I'll make turkey soup with the leftovers. I found a recipe for tomato cheddar strata that we'll have for breakfast tomorrow, followed by calling or skyping with family. Tomorrow afternoon is undecided as of yet, although I'm leaning towards a puzzle and movies.
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Re: Ready for Christmas?

Post by jmp1022 »

Tom and I go to mass then home for dinner and listen to Christmas music
Gifts will be exchanged then some irish cream or wine.

We will celebrate with everyone after the 25th
We arrive at dd on 26th. Everyone will be there for 5 to 7 days.

I told him I waited up last night till 12:15 to meet Santa but realized I was a day early!
Jill P
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