If I EVER mention that I need more.....

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If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by pugmom »

paper, stamps, stickers or the latest tool, somebody PLEASE slap me upside the head. I have spent the last week packing up my craft room. I'm almost done and I can't believe how much stuff I had crammed into a 10x10 room and two closets. AND, I thought I was so organized, but when you have to start boxing it up, it's a whole other story

Everything else is going to be a piece of cake after this.

My PSA for today is, if you think you may be moving in the next couple of years, stop buying and start purging everything NOW. Not only your craft stuff, but EVERYTHING !
You'll thank me later :D
Sue in NC (formerly known as Sue in Colorado)
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by paddlegal »

pugmom wrote:paper, stamps, stickers or the latest tool, somebody PLEASE slap me upside the head. I have spent the last week packing up my craft room. I'm almost done and I can't believe how much stuff I had crammed into a 10x10 room and two closets. AND, I thought I was so organized, but when you have to start boxing it up, it's a whole other story

Everything else is going to be a piece of cake after this.

My PSA for today is, if you think you may be moving in the next couple of years, stop buying and start purging everything NOW. Not only your craft stuff, but EVERYTHING !
You'll thank me later :D

Wise words Sue. Though we have no plans to move I know I’d be in the same boat and not just in my craft room.
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by pamcook »

Lalalalalala I can’t hear you...
I was doing so good with the purging. Went to Tuesday Morning today.

You’re absolutely right of course.
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by pbp908 »

I'm trying to convince George that our closet needs to be purged. He still insists that we neeeeeeeed those 100 or so vinyl LPs, the old receiver from the stereo system, all of his tools, 15 years of financial records, clothes that neither of us can wear, comforters for twin beds that we don't even own, etc. etc. etc. AND - VCR tapes. What the heck???

Anyone need some dark green window blinds??? I have some. I also have replacement vinyl slats for a sliding door blind that we no longer have. Baseball cards that are worthless?? (I looked them up.) Would love to give them to someone. :lol: Not to mention a beer stein collection that I have nowhere to display. <sigh>

I can't even walk through it anymore to get to what DOES fit.

And if he brings one more kitchen item into this house, I'm going to need to knock out a wall. Anyone need some crystal??? Silver tea service??? An extra set of china that hasn't been used in 30 years that I know of???
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by Monica »

Pam P, you just need to have a yard sale! Or donate to Goodwill or a local charity. Take bedding and clothes to a shelter.

Sue, I totally feel you. I've been purging off and on for four years now, and although the house is decidedly less cluttered I would not want to pack it all up to move. I have to admit that the craft room feels a lot better after the huge purge last spring, but I also know I still have a lot more that could go. :tomato:
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by pugmom »

Pam, I think we live in the same house and have the same husband. I don't know how many boxes of vinyl records Tom packed up. And.... He won't let me get rid of his 1950's (?) Encyclopedia Britannica set. Why do we need to move those for a third time? Oy, there's so much stuff.
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by mpizzazz »

I'm with you, Sue! It is so much better to get rid of it gradually than to suddenly have to do it. What takes the most time for me is trying to find someone who wants the stuff. I don't want to sell it, just keep it out of the landfill. I am so lucky that there is a wonderful Craft ReUse Shop where I can take so much stuff, even that is not necessarily craft stuff.

We started purging last year at this time after we knew where we wanted to move. Then over the Summer I didn't do much, now I am back into it. Next up is getting all the Christmas stuff out so it can go to thrift shops in time for "the season".

Pam P, just slowly take a few things at a time out to wherever it needs to go like the clothes that don't fit, broken things, etc. Give up the idea of making any money on it, just getting rid of it and creating breathing space is it's own reward.

A good place to look up dishes, crystal etc is Replacement, Ltd. in NC. Years ago, I sold a set of dishes to them. Pieces have to be in pristine condition but they will buy collectibles, dishes, etc.
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by jmp1022 »

Me neither la la la la

I would part with clothes and most everything else before my crafts!
Jill P
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by troublesmom »

Been there, done that!!! I don't ever plan on moving again and IF I do I will sell the house the way it is and let it all go. We really got rid of a lot when we moved almost 3 years ago but I can't believe how much we still have. My husband still has a box of albums, they are coming back in style now you know :lol:

I have been trying to cut back with Christmas stuff but really secretly buy more. :roll: That is my hardest to part with.
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by pat-czap »

Having moved many times in the past 30 years, we have pared down quite a bit. One of our problems still lie in kid stuff. Gave son #1 his belongings left at home. Son #2 &3 are the issue. What to do with all of that when they do not have their own places??? Basements are black holes.

My craft room is not so bad. Do you remember I told you about a client my movers had, who packed 400 boxes of crafting supplies for 1 woman??? Yikes. Last move I had about 30, I think, give or take a few.

Take care with all of that packing Sue.

Pam, WHEW, you need someone to say "it's okay to let things go", for George's benefit of course. LOL I wish you success in clearing up your closet.
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by pbp908 »

I would donate the stuff if he'd let me get rid of it!!!! It's always my things that leave here - never his. He's like his father in many ways. When he died we threw away 17 dump truck load of trash. That included empty medicine jars, pickle jar lids, 20 years worth of radio station publications, 50+ year old TVs that there are no longer parts for, and on and on and on. But!! It was all valuable and worth something. That's the mind set that George has. Maybe I can sneak a few items out at a time, but he's always here and I never have any time alone, so.....
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by pamcook »

Funny how we all think we’re alone with this issue. I was joking of course, when I typed “I can’t hear you”.
So many reasons for it - some we share, some are personal. I’m in a much better position than I was a year ago. Still, I have a long way to go. Joel has decided to minimize what he’ll need to move - big stuff like engines, partial vehicles, and running trucks. He’s posting stuff on Craigslist and Marketplace where I would donate it. He constantly says “Don’t you realize how much money you’ve wasted?!!!” Guess what - when it’s staring me in the face (it really feels that way), that’s when I feel guilty. When it’s gone - not a bit. Out of sight, out of mind.
Studies show that we quickly get used to our surroundings and they become so familiar that we don’t really see what’s there. It works both ways - excess and minimal. I have
Really enjoyed following a woman on youtube. She motivates me. I’m not anywhere close to where she is (it’s work to get there!) but she’s brainwashing me. When her videos are about kids clothes, I apply the info to my own. When they’re about my toys, it’s my craft supplies. I learned from fly Lady long ago, I can’t force Joel (or anyone else) to buy into it - but I have a lot of my own stuff to deal with.
I still joke that I’ll put a sign on the door
“Everything’s $1” and leave behind the rest.
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by azemigh »

I feel for you, Sue. I'm not even moving and I'm going to have to do the same thing. We're going to put in a new building to replace the hodgepodge of sheds (one of which houses my craft room) and covered deck that we currently use for our hobbies. My room will be the last to be demolished, but that will be happening come April or May and I know the time till then is going to fly way too fast for me. I have started the purge already though and am determined to send at least a box or two to the thrift stores weekly.
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Re: If I EVER mention that I need more.....

Post by Keitha »

I have one more week of hiding out at work before I'm home again for a few months and faced with my own sorting and purging needs. I will say I am jealous of those of you still with LP collections; I got rid of all mine decades ago, but don't you know my grandson is into collecting vinyl and is quite a fan of classic rock - which is what at least 50% of my collection was made up of.
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