My night from HELL!

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My night from HELL!

Post by Kellacious »

Okay, maybe it's not so bad, but at least I can share it with friends who can either commiserate with me or at least get a really good laugh and improve their health. Either way, it works for me.

So here goes:

If you've seen my 'Love cards' thread, you know that this weekend (Sunday, to be exact) is my birthaversary-my birthday and wedding anniversary are on the same day (but not the same year LOL).

In anticipation of this honored event (I'll be 42 and we'll be celebrating a whopping 8 years of marital bliss-and I do mean BLISS), I had planned to do a few things.

I had set up an appointment to get my hair cut (usually, I chicken out and make her trim the SLIGHTEST amount off she can get away with) AND majorly highlighted blonde. In a blinding moment of ignorance, I forgot that my hair appointment day was a teacher in service (read: out of school and all day at home with me) for my 6YO son. So, here I was thinking that I only had to drag my 3YO daughter with me to the salon and keep her entertained for 1.5 hours. WRONG! No way were they both going to sit idly by and let me get my self beautified. Okay. Started calling neighbors. Struck out 3 times before, in total desperation, I call DH's grandmother, whom I (and the kids) love dearly. But she's almost 90 and while in fantastic health/spirits, a 3YO and 6YO can be quite daunting. So, with a day and a half to go before the MUCH anticipated do over for mom, I call her and she says, "Why, certainly! I'd love to have them!" I cried for joy and went about my business.

Fast forward to today, where I'd promised aforementioned 3YO that we'd go to the museum for entertainment. I got it in my head to burn an anniversary CD for hubby of the tunes that make me think of him/us and that took WAY too much time this AM! So, we're on our way out the door at almost high noon. Swung by the gymnastics place to drop off the check for the Stampin' Up party I'd missed last Friday night due to work and found out that Friday is the only day my rep isn't at the gym. Sigh. Okay, we'll just run over to Mickey D's for lunch, which delighted my kids but made my stomach burn all day just thinking about it.

Picture our lunch: me, urging the kids to really stuff it down, because we're running late and don't they want to go to the museum before I drop them off at G.G.'s (great-grandma's nickname)? We slam lunch down and vault into the car to race to the museum. We arrive at the museum at 2:00; no worries, we've got a membership, so a 30 minute visit is quite alright by me. We zoom through the dinosaur bones (3YO preference) and a Space Odyssey (both keen on this) and I look at my watch and say, "Ready to go? We're running late, so let's RUN!" Make it out to the car safely and while I'm driving across town, call my hairdresser to let her know I'm en route. Even though it's been 2.5 years since she's cut my hair (my hair's long because I'm lazy, really), she says, "Don't worry, I know you'll be here eventually." I make it to G.G.'s in about 15 minutes (not quite a world record, but close) and rush the kids inside and hustle to my appointment. It goes well and I'm a reasonable facsimile of blonde and like what she's done for a cut. Don't ask DS (6YO) about it; he's not crazy for it right now.

After several other events (dinner at almost 7 which is a travesty for us old people), we get to bedtime. DS is on a rampage and is crazy; running around like a complete maniac. He manages to knock over the bottle of Mike's Hard Pomegranate that I splurged on for DH (you remember, it's our anniversary this weekend and I thought I'd spoil him with his fav beverage) all over his sister's bedroom carpeting (also got one of the Waldo books she wanted to read-BINGO!). Not that the carpet is in any decent shape to speak of; it was more the waste of the special adult beverage in my DH's mind. Cleanup ensues; we have to also change DS's sleeping socks AND jammies, since he got himself pretty good too. After this crisis is winding down, DD announces she's peed the bed (first time EVER) and Dad blows his stack.

As I sit here with my SECOND VERY TALL GLASS of champagne and contemplating my bikini wax (another anniversary special), I begin to wonder about myself and this whole mess. Oh, well. I probably have to microwave the wax again, since this is a VERY long diatribe and after a TALL glass of champagne, it took my twice the time to type it than normal.

Tell me that I'm not the worst out there AND that it gets better . . .


P.S. You have to share some of your own stories, as I cannot be the ONLY one experiencing such joys alone.
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Re: My night from HELL!

Post by pbp908 »

Gosh Kelly, it sounds like you had a normal day at the Phillips' house. Except my kids are 19 and 35 and old enough to clean up their own spills, which they don't.

Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

Re: My night from HELL!

Post by Maritza »

pbp908 wrote:Gosh Kelly, it sounds like you had a normal day at the Phillips' house. Except my kids are 19 and 35 and old enough to clean up their own spills, which they don't.



same here. my kids are 30,28,27, ..7 year old granddaughter .. multiple dogs.. all making messes..running later.. going in diffrfent directions

Re: My night from HELL!

Post by southernpeach35 »

sweetheart, it gets better, I promise. My three are all grown and on their own now. Sometimes, they will even remember the "little horror" moments and call me to apologize and thank me for not killing Seriously, children are all just like yours and have accidents and crazy days. It is amazing how much they pick up on your tension and act out by getting "crazy" on us. Just try taking a deep breath and not letting the tension rub off on them. It will make your days a little easier

Love and understanding and sympathy from a single mom of THREE girls!!

Re: My night from HELL!

Post by Holly »

Yeah Kelli--It would be a lie to say it gets better as you and your kids age, But then when the nest is empty, you do have relative piece of mind. That's when you invite the kids and grandkids over to hear and see it again.
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: My night from HELL!

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

...and the BEST part of the empty nest is.....when you see YOUR kids going bonkers with THEIR kids. There is reality in the saying: "What goes around comes around!"
scrappin nurse

Re: My night from HELL!

Post by scrappin nurse »

I can definitely relate to your story Kelli! You don't know how many times I've told DH I'd rather be deployed and he can stay at home.

Re: My night from HELL!

Post by ChristyB »

sorry---I got stuck on the bikini wax issue--Is it a anniversary present for yourself (if so couldn't you of thought of something else?OUCH)
if for DH--does he appreciate? cause again OUCH!

See cause you day is like every single day in my house-well managed CHAOS-except for the bikini wax that is :tomato:

Re: My night from HELL!

Post by Cathy »

LOL! Been there and done that.......I never try to plan, surprise or do special things for anniversaries because things NEVER work out. Well, EXCEPT our awesome 25 anniversary cruise last year. Now that was fun!

And why was the Mike's Pomegranite Lemon-aide in your daughter's bedroom?

Hang in their Kelli - onward and upward..........
And Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary to You!


Re: My night from HELL!

Post by InkPattie »

It *could* have been worse--it could have been that your kids were acting crazy because they got into GG's medicine bottles...or she left some Mike's Hard Pomegranate juice out and they tasted it...or she forgot that you were coming over and wasn't there when you arrived, and you had to keep them entertained while chemicals dripped down your face...

Oh, there are so many ways this could have been worse! I hope you have a wonderful celebration!

Re: My night from HELL!

Post by Sharonv »

Sounds like every night in my house!!! Kelli I am sure it will get better and so long as it desn't all go haywire on your anniversary night (touch wood). Enjoy your birthday and anniversary!! Oh yeah and I just treated myself to leg and bikini wax... Legs were fine, almost fell asleep while she was doing them, but wow, she got to the bikini line OUCH... I was wide awake... LOL
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