Rainy Saturday

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Rainy Saturday

Post by pamcook »

What’s everyone up to this weekend?

Joel said he’s coming home tonight. His mom’s back in hospital for the time being. He was planning to come home tomorrow anyway. He’s going to leave after she has her supper and should get home by 1 or 2.

I just finished vacuuming the house and gathered up the trash. Waiting for the rain to take a break so I can go turn on the water and do a load of laundry. Cross your fingers - the washer has been temperamental lately. Then I can make a couple of pages that have been swirling around in my head all week.

I’m enjoying the rain really. It’s those swaying trees that are a bit unnerving.
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by pbp908 »

Thanks to Mother Nature, our driveway and front yard are disappearing again. This is really getting old. Our plans for today were to pick up a load of insulation, pegboard and plywood so we could work on the garage walls. So much for that.

I think I'll probably just work on the Spring cards while I have an idea percolating. Maybe a nap. Not much else I can do with this weather as all of my joints are aching. :cry:
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by paddlegal »

Oh dear PamC hope your washer is kind to you and enjoy your scrapping today.

And PamP, crafting and a nap sounds mighty good. Hope the waters recede soon.

Nothing planned this weekend. But there is a break in our rain today for a few days so I hope we get out for a short walk at least. As I write the sun just disappeared, LOL. I have a few crafty projects that need my attention. My friend and down-the-street-neighbor is in charge of emails and name tags for next week’s Riverlake Ladies Bunco game. She is in the midst of chemo for lung cancer and has asked me to help with the name tags. Right up my alley and something I can do for her. So I am firing up the KNK today.

As for our weather...both nature areas where I volunteer plus another area where I can enjoy a full day of birding are totally under water. But that’s pretty typical of our winter. Though I am in a 100 year flood plane nestled in the big bend of the Sacramento River we are pretty safe. And we have kayaks, :lol: A good idea when you live in the Sacramento Delta.
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by pamcook »

I used a different cycle and it worked well. (The washer)
Now I’m on a mission to find a non-computerized washer that doesn’t involve boiling water and a wringer. The more sophisticated these stupid machines become, the more things to go wrong on them.
In the mean time, Ill use this other that’s probably no different from the others but but do they charge more money for all the nonsense!! :angry42:

I need to get up and start another project while I have time!
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by nchoney »

I've been diecutting with the Silhouette... and preplanning scrapbook pages for the Lantern Asia layouts... that'll be my next project after I finish Arizona... it's been a fun color change from all the greens, rusts, browns of Arizona... to the bright pink, purples, orange, red, blue colors of those lantern exhibits
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by troublesmom »

I know what you are talking about with the new appliances. I hate everyone of them that came with our house but who can afford to replace them all. Too bad they can make them with out all that garbage added to them. They want you to replace every couple of years. :x :x :x Sorry for the rant. Good luck with you machine Pam.

Not doing much this weekend. I spent Saturday morning cleaning with our new kitty I really need to keep up on it now. We just recently adopted 8 year old Abby. She has had a rough go of it but in hopes she will be happy here. She is beginning to come around and sitting with us. Saturday afternoon I got together with some friends here and play Hand & Foot our favorite card game. Have I told you how much I enjoy being down here. Even though far from family I love my new family here.
pamcook wrote:I used a different cycle and it worked well. (The washer)
Now I’m on a mission to find a non-computerized washer that doesn’t involve boiling water and a wringer. The more sophisticated these stupid machines become, the more things to go wrong on them.
In the mean time, Ill use this other that’s probably no different from the others but but do they charge more money for all the nonsense!! :angry42:

I need to get up and start another project while I have time!
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by pat-czap »

Did not rain here in NW Ohio. Saturday was weird. All 3 of us were home. No weekend work for Dan. All of us were either tired or sick with a cold, etc. I was tired, not sleeping well.
I spent the day washing fabric and using my die cutter to cut tumbler shapes for baby quilts. I have a few friends who are expecting, so I am making 2 girl and 2 boy quilts. They will choose which one they want, and the remaining will go to my quilt guild, which donates many quilts each month.

As for the washer...I just saw an ad for Speed Queen washer/dryers for home use. They supposedly have a 25 year
"Use" expectancy in the home. They take a beating at laundromats...
Good luck Pam.
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by wannabescrappin »

Pam C,
You can always come over and use my "I hate you" washer :lol: . Then you can help me purge :clap: too!
Later today we're off to buy a new living room rug - our two new rescue pups (Finnegan and Brewster) have chewed 3 holes in it....not $$ we wanted to spend before going to San Francisco for Josh's wedding next month. :censor:
Find time each day to rejoice in the journey...

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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by Keitha »

We bought a new washer and dryer earlier this year; with new appliances extended warranties are definitely your friend.

As part of a reorganization project I pulled all my albums off the bookcase earlier today so I could stand it upright (Expedit 8 cubbies). I'm looking through each one as I put them back; can I tell you how much I'm enjoying that? A good project for while I watch the Daytona 500 this afternoon. It feels like a reward for all the sorting and organizing I've done this week, and I'm hoping will motivate me to make some pages again.
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by pbp908 »

I have S.A.D. - Seasonal Affective Disorder - and this winter has been really hard for me. Dull dreary days, constant rain, little to no sunshine, not to mention aching joints and mold allergies. Antidepressants help some, but not this year. If we don't have decent weather soon I'm going to end up either divorced or living in the garage.

Tomorrow we're insulating and hanging wall boards in there. Now if I could just figure out how to trench for the electrical. Just in case.
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by pugmom »

Come out here. We have between 250 and 300 days of sunshine a year. I can't stand it if we have more than a couple of gloomy days in a row. Also, no humidity.

Now, we are expecting 2-4 inches of snow tonight but by the end of next week it will be in the 40's. And, we do have fire danger any time of the year. I would like to move away from the snow, but don't want extreme heat either. I have yet to find my perfect spot.

Pam, do you have one of those special lamps for S.A.D.?
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by pbp908 »

I have daylight lamps and bulbs everywhere. It doesn't really help at this point. We've only had one week of sunshine since September and a day here and there sporadically. I've been considering a 2 month long visit to Arizona. :lol:
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by Monica »

You can come visit my side of Washington state. We've had snow and some overcast, but also a lot of sunshine.
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Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by Keitha »

I've decided winter is hanging on here for too long, and just booked another cruise yesterday. Yes, I've already been on one in the last few weeks, but once I get back to work I don't expect to have any breaks for months. So we set sail out of New Orleans March 3rd for a week of hopefully sunshine and warm weather.
Debbie J

Re: Rainy Saturday

Post by Debbie J »

Have a fun trip Keitha! Does your daughter and family go with you?
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