Monthly Digital Layout Swap

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Monthly Digital Layout Swap

Post by tichwoli »

Is there some interest in doing a digi layout swap?

Guidelines would be that you do the swap on a one for one basis. You would be assigned a partner to swap photos with and then you would create a one page layout 12 x 12 and email the layout to your swap partner.

Please let me know if there is some interest for doing something like this.
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Re: Monthly Digital Layout Swap

Post by jfugina »

I just stumbled on this - I haven't been on much lately, but I'm glad I found this and could bump it. :bump:

I think I could be interested in such a thing. I haven't been doing anything much more complicated than dropping something into a quick page, because it's fast, and I'm generally happy with it. But I think it would be nice to have to put some real creative thought into something once a month.
Julie Fugina
#26 in the order of the PAO

Re: Monthly Digital Layout Swap

Post by bethrich »

I'll admit to looking at the thread, but not being sure how I feel about it. I do think we need some sort of digi challenges and swaps here at PAO. I'd like to see more opinions. Meanwhile I'll stay on the fence.
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Re: Monthly Digital Layout Swap

Post by pbp908 »

It would have to be a one-for-one basis because the files would be humongous at high res. I'm not so sure if anyone would like my style, or lack thereof, well enough to want to swap with me.
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

Re: Monthly Digital Layout Swap

Post by tichwoli »

I am still willing to host and would love to do some swaps with other people's photos. I do this on several other boards and really love seeing the results.
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Re: Monthly Digital Layout Swap

Post by jfugina »

Pam and Beth - I was thinking back to a layout swap that a few of us did on the old CS board, and I really enjoyed it. I swapped with Marianne, and I sent her some photos that I was at a bit of a loss with, and what she sent me back simply took my breath away. So much so that when I saw it, I totally stressed over how I could do equal justice to her photos. Ultimately, I think I did fine, but my point is, with digi, what is there to lose? :angel:

You're not sending prints and you're not using stash, and you're not incurring any postage. And if it turned out that you weren't a fan of the other person's style, then you can always do the layout some other way yourself. Though honestly, having seen the work of the digi-inclined gals on this board, I can't imagine anyone producing something I wouldn't be proud to print and put in an album.

As far as file size, if the layout was scaled to 8x8 and flattened, it wouldn't be too large to e-mail, and I've had good success printing 8x8s out as 12x12s. Either way, I agree that just doing some kind of digi swap activity would be loads of fun. I did a digi quick page swap on the CS board, and I really loved that, but I'm just not over there at all any more. The kit was Artifacts, and I liked a lot of the swap pages more than the quick-drops that came with the kit.
Julie Fugina
#26 in the order of the PAO
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Re: Monthly Digital Layout Swap

Post by pbp908 »

OK - I'm game. Anyone want to send me a picture or do we draw names or how will it work? Come on Beth! You can do this, too - your pages are beautiful. And this might make us stretch ourselves just a little.
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

Re: Monthly Digital Layout Swap

Post by bethrich »

OK, I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. Annette said she'd host, so ...

There are other digi scrappers here. I hope we hear from more of them!
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