Question about this year's TH tags?

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Question about this year's TH tags?

Post by Yoli »

I haven't had a chance to make any tags this year but I was wondering. Is he teaching any new techniques w/this set of cards this year?

In the past I've learned some new technique I've never tried before. This year, as I browse through the instructions, it doesn't appear he is teaching any new techniques. Is this true or have I missed something?
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Re: Question about this year's TH tags?

Post by pamcook »

New techniques? Hm...not that I can think of really. What I am learning is different ways to use what I have.
There's distressing, embossing, inking, I forgetting something?
Pam Cook #48

Re: Question about this year's TH tags?

Post by rinda »

I think the use of fragments to make ornaments was new (both the ability to use stickles behind and the ability to wrap the top).
Also, the alcohol ink plaid was a totally new technique. And the pin . . . that was definitely not there last year.

Re: Question about this year's TH tags?

Post by Yoli »

I think you are right Rinda . . . the alcohol ink plaid pattern may be a new technique for him. Pam . . . I like your approach . . . the tags are a way of using some of my stash. The good news is, unlike in the past, I don't need to go out and buy anything. thanks ladies.

Re: Question about this year's TH tags?

Post by capescrapper »

Yoli, one thing he did that I really enjoyed was showing how to make the little house pin and the flower rose from the metal embellishments. I also love seeing how he uses different bits of his idea ology line in general. The technique today that I loved was seeing how he colorizes the metal with paint. I assumed he used alcohol ink on all his metal. WHo Knew?! :D
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Re: Question about this year's TH tags?

Post by pamcook »

You're right - the plaid was completely different from the one he showed back in the spring. While the ornaments were new, he has shown to glue paper to the back of fragments before. I had never bothered to make any until I made the tag. Anyway, I'm having a blast doing them. Having a new one every day keeps me in there playing with my stash of art supplies.
Pam Cook #48

Re: Question about this year's TH tags?

Post by rinda »

I forgot about the metal rose. Also, the parchment is new. I understand how you could be deceived, Yoli, when I look at the tag instructions, I think "oh that's easy." But, once I've started on each one, I've discovered the new techniques, even though I"ve done all 24 tags from year 1 & 2 and most of his challenges in-between.

Re: Question about this year's TH tags?

Post by InkPattie »

The homemade wired ribbon was new, too! I liked that. And I had a set of metal corners, but was hoarding them. Once I used one for the trinket pin roof, I had an uneven number, so now I am using them (I think I may get another set to save some for hoarding purposes)...

I had not yet tried anything with the rock candy crackle paint, and I really liked the way all those layers came together on day 1. I should experiment with different colors and stamps on that one.

One thing I've been having trouble with is embossing on the grungeboard. Tonight I reinked one of my embossing pads so it would be really juicy, but it still soaked it all up and didn't get a nice thick coat of powder on it. Oh well, it looks distressed even though I didn't use distress EP!

I'm enjoying making the substitutions, too. Over the last year or so, it's amazing how many of Tim's products I have purchased, and I am trying VERY hard to resist the urge to run out and buy each thing I don't have as he uses it. And while searching through my stash for substitutions, I have found that I have some things that are almost exact duplicates! I looked through a box of metal stuff from Stampin Up (one of those cute little turquoise tins with all sorts of metal hardware), and in several of the compartments, there were little washers just like the ones that Tim sells! I've been wanting to buy those ever since they came out, but just couldn't justify the expense (keep thinking I'll go in a hardware store and find something much cheaper). But now I can use the ones I was hoarding from SU.
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Re: Question about this year's TH tags?

Post by troublesmom »

I did break down yesterday and place an order for Tim stuff but I went through each of the days so far and only ordered stuff I really wanted. I did order one stamp set but the rest was goodies.
Myrtle Beach
#59 in order PAO
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