Will wonders never cease...


Re: Will wonders never cease...

Post by Hasmom99 »

I switched a few months ago to Junior paper only plus POPs. I get enough to make a few pages and can use the POPs for cards and ATCs as well as photo mats. I see the Sr kit when posted and still have time to add anything I want from it to my Jr kit. But I seem to have ordered quite a few of the Sr kits since I switched! At least I have only paid $2 shipping for them. I agree about the stamps - I would rather see them and order specifically what I like instead of having them come to me in a kit.
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Re: Will wonders never cease...

Post by pbp908 »

My addiction was a hard one to break, but break it I did for reasons that I'm not rehashing. I was so used to receiving a box (at least one!) every month, and it's been lonely without my Fed Ex driver. (Cedric loved her because she was a soft touch for dog biscuits.) But I still haven't used enough of what I have to put a dent in it, and there's still a lot of other things I want. It just irks me that when I do quit (in the middle of some very crappy kits) they change the entire design structure and come up with gorgeous things that I wouldn't mind having.

As for the digi, I'm still thinking about ordering a couple of them. However, I'm enjoying the heck out of all of the freebies that I'm finding online and haven't paid for a kit in well over a year.
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO


Re: Will wonders never cease...

Post by Luanne »

gwendols wrote: I am hoping to see Luanne while I am there since I missed her twice in the past month when she was in my area. :embarassed:

I was hoping many of you would be in the area on the way to or from Retreats. Please let me know the dates you'll be in town. Maybe I'll host a casual 'open house' for pre-retreat cocktils???? I think I'm making dinner for Hetty & Gwen the Tuesdy after.

I live 20 minutes from OHare, 45 north of Chicago, and 45 south of the Wisconin border.
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Re: Will wonders never cease...

Post by mpizzazz »

Where has Hetty gone? Is she still over at CS or on some other forum?

Btw, I downsized to Sr. Paper Only after the price increase last year because I wasn't liking all the book projects in the kits or the addons. I've used so much of the kits since then and am almost out of GTG packs that I'm thinking of rejoining Sr. I only buy stamps and other kit pieces when they are on sale. I'm sorry I missed that digi sale on the weekend.
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Re: Will wonders never cease...

Post by pbp908 »

Hetty posts a lot on Technique Junkies and I see the occasional post on the Still Friends Here Yahoo group. I think she preferred the old old format more than this type of forum, although she does update her blog regularly.
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

Lynn K

Re: Will wonders never cease...

Post by Lynn K »

I know for a while Hetty was doing lots of stuff for Michael Strong and posting on his yahoo group. I don't get those emails any more cause it was to much to keep up with.

Yeah I will miss retreat this year also :(, Gwen my hubby LOVED the EAA museum! That is about the only thing he wants to go back for :) Greenbay this past year was very boring for him, as there wasn't much up his alley to do.

Hope you guys have fun, I even refrained from the "retreat in a box". I got the cruise in a box and FINALLY starting to work on project and they are neat but not sure what I will do with them.

Re: Will wonders never cease...

Post by bethrich »

Hetty has also been posting at the CS board. I'm not sure how active she is, though.
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